Volunteers sought for health and social care research oversight body

The search is on for volunteer recruits to the Isle of Man Research Ethics Committee – the body which provides oversight to health and social care research projects carried out in the Island. 

The Committee is tasked with reviewing the ethical dimension of research proposals which involve human participants, tissue or data. 

The Committee currently has vacancies for an expert member and a lay member, and applications are invited from those with prior experience of working in health and social care or in research, as well as those with no previous involvement in these areas. 

Chair of the Isle of Man Research Ethics Committee, Lillian Boyle, said:

‘Harnessing research to transform the care people receive can be a powerful tool for good, but with that comes the need for responsibility and governance to ensure people are protected. 

She added:

‘The job of the Committee is to ensure that health and social care research undertaken in the Isle of Man respects the dignity, rights, safety and wellbeing of the people who participate. This is an exciting opportunity for those with an interest in research in health and social care. We hope we receive applications from as wide a cross-section of our Island as possible.’ 

Candidates will have a strong commitment to protecting participants and the public, as well as recognising the need for ethical standards in research. 

Regardless of the level of experience, full training in research ethics will be provided. 

Positions are voluntary, but expenses may be claimed for travel to meetings and training events. 

The closing date for applications is 26 August 2021. Interviews will be held soon after this date. 

Full details of the role and an application form are available upon request from Helen Baldwin, Head of Research and Development, by emailing research.enquiries@gov.im, telephoning 642624, or writing to Public Health Directorate, Cronk Coar, Strang, Douglas, IM4 4RJ.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2021-07-29.