Urgent Care services in early hours of Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 March 2023

The Manx Emergency Doctors Service (MEDS) will be closing between midnight and 8am on the mornings of Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 March 2023.

Throughout these hours, the delivery of urgent and emergency care services will continue via the Emergency Department (ED) at Noble’s Hospital and the Ambulance Service where necessary.

The closure of MEDS between these hours is necessary due to staff undertaking training. There will be an answerphone message informing callers of all of the other options available to them, and the MEDS team will continue to work with the other services to ensure the safe continuity of patient care.

During these times, if you believe that the reason you are calling MEDS cannot wait until your GP practice opens the following morning, please make your way to the Emergency Department.

If you think that you have a life-threatening emergency, you should always call 999. This service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please also consider whether you can get the help you need elsewhere – Manx Care’s signposting information can be found here: /categories/health-and-wellbeing/signposting/

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-24.