Tynwald to consider new government division to focus on flood risk and coastal management

Tynwald Members will be asked to approve transferring responsibility for flood risk preparedness and coastal management to the Department of Infrastructure at this month’s sitting.

The Transfer of Flood Risk Management and Related Functions Order 2020 will be moved by Infrastructure Minister Tim Baker MHK, who also holds the position of Chairman of Manx Utilities.

He said:

‘If approved, this measure will ensure flood risk and coastal management comes under a single point of political leadership, and is made in response to recommendations from the ARUP report into the 2019 flooding in Laxey.

‘The effects of climate change are already being felt and it’s vital we have the correct processes in place to prepare effectively Island-wide and deal with heavy weather when it inevitably happens.’

Responsibility for flooding and coastal protection currently sits across a number of Departments and agencies of the Isle of Man Government.

Much of the responsibility for flooding lies with Manx Utilities, under the provisions of the Flood Risk Management Act 2013. The Department of the Environment, Food and Agriculture, meanwhile, looks after many of the functions contained in the Coastline Management Act 2005 and produced the National Strategy on Sea Defences, Flooding and Coastal Erosion in 2016.

The Department of Infrastructure currently has responsibility for highway drainage and associated structures such as bridges and culverts, and undertakes detailed design work and delivery through construction projects.

If approved, a new division will be created within the DoI, drawing staff and resources together under a director and delegated Member with responsibility for ensuring delivery. A number of positions would move into the new division from both Manx Utilities and the Meteorological Office; and conversations are already underway with those staff who may be affected.

Minister Baker added:

‘This administration is committed to following the recommendations of the ARUP report and transferring functions to a single department will mark a significant step towards achieving that.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2020-10-08.