Third Highway Satisfaction Survey is published

The results of an annual survey aiming to gauge public satisfaction with the Island’s highway network, public transport, road safety and a range of other related issues have been published. 

The Highway Satisfaction Survey is run by the UK’s National Highways and Transport Network (NHTN) and covers 111 local authorities across the UK. 

It was commissioned for the third consecutive year by the Department of Infrastructure. 

In July 2020, 3,300 surveys were issued by market research specialists Ipsos Mori to addresses across the Island, asking for residents’ opinions on topics including road condition and maintenance, the provision of bus and taxi services, congestion and accessibility. 

A total of 624 responses (23.8 per cent) were received, including 93 online, and were analysed in order to show satisfaction levels in comparison with participating local authorities in the UK. 

The results have now been analysed and are published online.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2020-11-23.