Survey feedback to shape National bribery and corruption strategy

Feedback from an industry survey which received nearly 700 responses will be used to help combat bribery and corruption in the Isle of Man.

The questionnaire was published as part of the Government’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Project in December and highlighted a good overall understanding of the threats it poses.

It also identified some areas for improvement such as increased training within a business to help recognise bribery and corruption is taking place.

The Cabinet Office project aims to embed a culture of continuous improvement in the public and private sectors and ensure suspicious activity is recognised, reported and acted upon.

The important feedback will now be used to inform the delivery of a national bribery and corruption strategy and ensure resources are targeted in the right areas.

Kate Lord-Brennan MHK, Minister for the Cabinet Office, said:

‘I’d like to thank everyone who took part. The engagement across the public and private sectors has provided a valuable insight that will strengthen efforts to tackle bribery and corruption.

‘Our ambition is to create a lasting legacy by putting in place an website that offers access to advice, information, policies and legislation, as well as a means for the confidential reporting of concerns.’

In addition to the statistical data, respondents also suggested ways to raise awareness through organisational change.

The Cabinet Office plans to repeat the questionnaire later in the year to get the industry’s feedback on progress.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-02-23.