Stay safe sea swimming around our shores

Person swimming in the sea

Sea swimmers are reminded to stay safe around the Island’s shores – especially when near piers and harbours.

The health benefits and enjoyment from open water swimming can be wide-ranging, but there are also potential dangers to be aware of. Strong currents, changeable weather conditions, boat traffic, difficult terrain and debris are among the things which can cause problems for sea swimmers.

Planning thoroughly, knowing the environment and maintaining visibility are crucial ways to reduce risk. It’s also important to never swim alone: having a companion can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

The Isle of Man Harbours and Coastguard team has published helpful advice which is essential reading for anybody open water swimming. This includes clear steps on what to do in an emergency, which anybody entering the sea must be aware of.

Designated safe bathing areas and restricted harbour areas are also available to view online.

More information is available on the Harbours Information page.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2024-07-17.