Schools to continue with proportionate protective measures in the New Year

Students will be welcomed back to classrooms across the Island on Tuesday 4 January 2022 for face-to-face teaching to continue.

All educational settings will continue to have proportionate mitigations in place to reduce the risks of COVID-19 while it is circulating in the community, thereby ensuring schools remain open so that students can benefit from face to face lessons, in person support and social interaction with their peers.

Attendance continues to be compulsory, with all staff and visitors, and all secondary school and UCM students, expected to wear face coverings in school buildings. The wearing of face coverings is mandatory on public transport, including school buses.

Students will also be encouraged to follow increased hygiene measures, with handwashing and sanitation facilities continuing to be made available in schools. Students will be asked to keep the ‘hands, face, space’ guidance in mind whilst learning.

Classrooms and corridors will continue to be as well ventilated as possible, and students and staff are asked to dress appropriately for the time of year as temperatures may be cooler than usual inside.

All Island residents are currently asked to take regular Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) at home, this advice applies to students and staff also. We would ask that anyone attending an educational setting on Tuesday 4 January, takes an LFT prior to attending.  Any students or staff who receive a positive Lateral Flow test result should isolate immediately and submit the results of their test online.

If any student feels unwell or develops any COVID-19 symptoms, they should not attend school but stay home, notify their school and follow the latest public health advice.

Julie Edge MHK, Minister for Education Sport and Culture, said,

‘Making our educational settings as safe as possible for our staff and students, and maintaining face to face learning both for the immediate and longer-term remain our key priorities.’

‘We continue to work closely with Public Health and will regularly review the measures and recommendations to give our young people the best chance to fulfil their potential.’

It is important to note that the situation remains fluid and the Department have contingency plans prepared to deal with any eventualities. The Department will respond quickly to any changes to Government advice and asks that if parents have concerns they should speak to their Headteacher in the first instance. Further communications will follow if required.

The Department would like to take this opportunity thank all staff, students and their parents for their continued efforts and support.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-01-04.