Report outlines ways to decarbonise Island homes

Heather fields

A report which outlines three possible pathways to decarbonise heating systems in the Isle of Man’s 43,000 homes and buildings has been published.

Around a quarter of all the Island’s greenhouse gases come from properties, so renewable options, like heat pumps, will play a key role in the drive to reach net-zero.

The Isle of Man Government’ Climate Change Team commissioned the London-based low carbon specialist consultancy Gemserv, to produce the Renewable Heating Scenarios report.

It establishes different scenarios for reducing emissions caused by heating buildings by close to 100% by 2050, one achieving this by 2040.

Each acknowledges that the installation of fossil fuel (oil and gas) systems will be gradually phased out from 2025, and compares the level of change needed and associated costs.

The report suggests that current heating methods can be replaced by more efficient low carbon systems such as air source heat pumps, direct electric, biofuels or district heating systems, where multiple buildings are heated from a central source.

Daphne Caine MHK, Chair of the Climate Change Transformation Board:

‘Making homes and buildings more energy efficient can reduce energy bills, improve lives, and create jobs. To ensure we reach net zero, we must decarbonise and this report shows the different ways we can do it, whilst highlighting areas for further exploration.

‘We are in a good position as some of the technology suggested is gaining momentum, such as heat pumps, which have been used in Scandinavian countries for decades. These systems are significantly cheaper to operate as they capture energy from the air or ground, with just a small amount of electricity used to pump the heat round the property.

‘The growing popularity means the initial installation cost is expected to fall over the next few years making this huge transition more affordable.’

The Climate Change Team will now work to develop a strategy which takes account of the scenarios and best suits the Island’s needs and net zero goal.

The public can find out more about the renewable heating scenarios at two public events, hosted by Net Zero Isle of Man:

A consultation which closes on 21 February is currently seeking public views on the Isle of Man’s interim greenhouse gas reduction target that once agreed must be achieved by 2030.

The consultation outlines two options that focus on the high emission sectors of energy, heating, transport and land use/food production.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-02-07.