Reminder for Ballasalla Medical Centre patients

Manx Care is reminding current patients of Ballasalla Medical Centre that they should only re-register elsewhere if they have received a letter asking them to do so. 

Ballasalla Medical Centre wrote to some of its patients earlier this year, notifying these individuals that they live outside of the practice’s catchment area, and requesting that they re-register at a GP practice within their catchment area

If you received one of these letters, please ensure that you have re-registered where appropriate.

Following the recent news that Ballasalla Medical Centre plan to formally hand back their contract at the end of July 2023, Manx Care is working together with the practice to consider all of the options available in order to secure the future provision of GP services to the patients currently being served by the practice, as well as those who live within the catchment area for the practice. 

If you are a current patient of Ballasalla Medical Centre, and have not received a letter as described above (requesting you to register elsewhere), please take no action at this time. 

We appreciate that the current patients of Ballasalla Medical Centre may currently be feeling some uncertainty, however patients will continue to be able to access their GP services as usual. We would ask that patients who have not received a “catchment area” letter do not try and register with another practice at this time, as this will cause a number of issues for the other GP practices in the South of the Island. Plans are being put in place to support patients going forward and we will communicate more on these in due course. Ballasalla Medical Centre is not taking on any new patients at the current time. 

Anyone who is concerned about this news can contact the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service Team via email or on the phone (+44 1624 642642). Although the team will not be able to add anything further to the position outlined above, they will be able to capture any queries or concerns people may have.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-13.