Public feedback to help finalise Landlord Registration (Private Housing) Bill

More than 190 people recently attended a series of drop-in sessions to enable private landlords to find out more about proposed changes to legislation and discuss them with the Isle of Man Government.

The public events, held in Braddan, Ramsey and Port St Mary, were hosted by the Department of Infrastructure and included input from the Department of the Environment, Food and Agriculture and charity Housing Matters.

Their focus was the Landlord Registration (Private Housing) Bill, with those attending using the opportunity to discuss all aspects of the draft legislation, minimum standards regulations and a number of wider housing-related matters.

The feedback gathered from the sessions, and a six-week public consultation exercise which ended in July, will be used to help finalise the Bill and establish how the proposed register will work, if approved by Tynwald.

Infrastructure Minister Tim Baker MHK said:

‘I would like to thank everybody who attended over the three events. Being able to meet people, discuss matters face-to-face and allay many concerns was, I feel, extremely useful and the contributions will greatly assist in finalising the Bill.’

The consultation response report can be found at the consultation hub and the information display boards used at the drop-in sessions at

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2020-10-09.