Proposed changes to Scoill yn Jubilee catchment area

Subject to the School Catchment Areas Order being laid before Tynwald, changes to the catchment area for Scoill yn Jubilee are to be progressed by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC).

Graham Cregeen MHK, Minister for DESC, said:

‘As part of the review process for catchment areas in the Isle of Man it has become apparent at an early stage that there is an issue in relation to the number of pupils attending high schools in the Douglas area, and as a result an amendment of the School Catchment Area Order 2017 is necessary for Scoill yn Jubilee pupils.

‘Under the new Order the Scoill yn Jubilee catchment area will become a joint catchment area for Ballakermeen High School and St Ninian’s High School in the academic year 2019/2020. It will then become a catchment area for St Ninian’s in subsequent years.’

DESC manages the number of children in a school by considering school catchment areas.

A ‘joint catchment area’ means that parents will have the choice for this coming year of which Douglas secondary school their child can attend. In subsequent years children in the Scoill yn Jubilee catchment area would attend St Ninian’s High School.

During this spring term, pupils and their families will be invited to both secondary schools for their Year 6 open evenings. Invitations will also be extended to current Year 5 pupils and families to attend the open evening at St Ninian’s High School to allow them to learn more about the school in advance of their 2020 enrolment.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2019-03-07.