National strategy helping to tackle bribery and corruption is approved by Tynwald

Magnifying lens on the word corruptionThe implementation of a national strategy to respond to threats posed by bribery and corruption moved a step closer this week.

Tynwald Members unanimously approved the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Strategy, which was moved Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK on behalf of the Cabinet Office at this month’s sitting.

The document is designed to support efforts to maintain the Island’s reputation as a well-regulated and responsible international finance centre by setting out a framework for an all-Island response to domestic and international bribery and corruption.

A key element is a ‘Vision’ for the Isle of Man as a jurisdiction that protects people from bribery and corruption, where: all members of society can recognise bribery and corruption; reporting channels are clear, accessible and confidential; and a robust and coordinated response is utilised by all agencies.

The Vision will be achieved through delivery of five Strategic Outcomes over three phases:

  1. Address the risks to the Isle of Man, identified in the National Risk Assessment 2020, in respect of bribery and corruption
  2. Reduce vulnerabilities to bribery and corruption within the public sector
  3. Deliver a coherent approach to combatting both domestic and international bribery and corruption
  4. Improve detection, reporting and enforcement in respect of both domestic and international bribery and corruption
  5. Deliver a long-term and sustainable model for addressing the ongoing risk to the Island from domestic and international bribery and corruption

An implementation plan, setting out benchmarks, timescales and ownership of the actions identified, will be published by the Cabinet Office in due course. The strategy commits to an annual review to ensure it remains in tune with global developments.

The Chief Minister told Members:

‘The damaging effects of bribery and corruption are felt not only in vulnerable communities around the globe but closer to home as well. The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Strategy reflects the Isle of Man’s commitment to maintaining international standards and ensuring that we are not an attractive jurisdiction for those seeking to engage in these offences.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-07-22.