The Manx Emergency Doctor Service (MEDS) will close between midnight and 8am on the mornings of Tuesday 24, Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 October 2023, due to staffing issues.
Between midnight and 8am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week, anyone who needs medical attention who would have sought this from MEDS should either attend the Emergency Department at Noble’s Hospital or – in the event of an emergency – dial 999 for an Ambulance. Medical help and advice will be available to anyone who needs it during this time.
Alternatively, if your query can wait until the morning, please either call your own GP, or seek advice or medical attention from your local Community Pharmacy, the Minor Illnesses and Injuries Unit at Ramsey Cottage Hospital (open from 8am), or the Community Dental Service for individuals without a dentist. A full range of health and care options available to you on the Island, including support for your mental health and wellbeing, can be found on the Manx Care website. Alternately, information about self-care and guidance on the level of care you might require can be found on the Signposting website.
Anyone who calls the MEDS phone number between midnight and 8am on the above days will be diverted to the Noble’s Hospital Switchboard, and signposted appropriately from there.