Manx Care maternity services

Manx Care would like to reassure expectant mothers that, while there are changes to visiting policies and clinics/services across many healthcare settings, all ante and postnatal services are continuing with midwives continuing to offer support and advice.

All antenatal clinic appointments are continuing as normal (due to size of consulting rooms it would be advisable for partners not to attend at this time).

If women attend the unit and are not in established labour they will be encouraged to return home but can remain if they wish to, with their partner for support but they will be asked to remain by the bedside.

Once labour is established, for the safety of the mother and unborn baby, partners are asked to remain on the unit for the duration. Partners must wear their mask at all times.

For the safety of all new mums, partners can visit between 10am-8pm but other visitors are not permitted at this time. Partners are asked to carry out an LFD prior to attending each day and once on the ward are not permitted to come and go.

Early postnatal discharge will be encouraged.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2021-12-31.