Due to the current level of community spread of Covid-19 within the Isle of Man, Manx Care has confirmed it will be reopening the Covid ward at Noble’s Hospital. At this time it is hoped to maintain all outpatient clinics plus its elective programmes but they are cancelling all non-essential training to ensure staff are free to work shifts if possible. This situation is being continually monitored.
Staff absences are affecting the normal running of the hospital with a plea going out to all non-ward based clinically registered staff to work extra shifts. The numbers of staff absences have also increased due to Covid, self-isolating or illness.
With effect from Wednesday 9 March the use of face masks widened across Manx Care settings with updated visiting polices coming into place. View Noble’s Hospital policy and Ramsey District Cottage Hospital policy. Please also read the information about LFD testing.
Manx Care CEO, Teresa Cope explained:
‘Noble’s Hospital is under pressure. We are currently at Opel 3* so have issued a request to all clinically registered staff to work extra shifts. We hope this is a temporary measure but will be reviewing the situation regularly and updating the public with any changes. Living with Covid means just that, figures will fluctuate but we need to protect our patients and staff while ensuring essential services continue to run.’
Manx Care is encouraging the public to think about self-care – can your pharmacist help you? They are also encouraging the public to visit the Minor Injuries Unit at Ramsey District Cottage Hospital rather than the ED Department at Noble’s.