Legislation will introduce an age restriction on vape sales

Legislation to prohibit sales of vaping products and e-cigarettes to under 18s, and introduce regulatory controls, including point of sale controls, is to be introduced by Easter 2023.

A dedicated Public Health Vaping Regulation Bill led by Public Health and Cabinet Office is being drafted, with a commitment given by Minister Lord-Brennan in the House of Keys to introduce the legislation in the coming months, with a draft bill for consultation expected before Christmas.

Over recent months there has been reports of a significant increase in the use of vapes and in particular disposable vapes by young people.

These reports come from a wide range of sources, including schools. Anecdotal evidence from the Constabulary also indicates an increase in the number of retail thefts of vaping products.

The EU and UK introduced regulatory controls for nicotine containing products in 2016, and there is strong medical advice from across the world on the dangers of smoking and vaping.

Public Health strongly advises all those under 18 years of age not to vape. The highly addictive nicotine, and other chemicals, found in vapes may pose a health risk to still developing bodes, including the potential for underdeveloped lungs or other respiratory issues.

Minister for the Cabinet Office, Kate Lord-Brennan, said:

‘We are acting in response to the growing concerns raised.  I am committed to bringing forward new legislation to help us protect our children and young people, and support retailers by providing clear legislation similar to that which applies for tobacco. The Public Health Vaping Regulation Bill will form the basis of this by making the sale of vaping products to children illegal, but additional guidance and advice will also be produced.’

Public Health is working alongside colleagues within the Isle of Man Constabulary and Office of Fair Trading to engage with retailers around future legislation changes in relation to vaping.

Public Health will also develop a policy and awareness campaign, alongside the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, for all schools, students, teachers and parents.

Vaping has become steadily popular over the last 15 years and is a successful aid for adults quitting smoking. Any established adult smokers wishing to quit are encouraged to contact the Quit4You team for advice on +44 1624 642404, or visit the Quit4You website for more information including the different options, of which vaping is still included as temporary measure.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-11-08.