Isle of Man in Numbers 2023

A comprehensive set of economic and social data has been published by Statistics Isle of Man.

Isle of Man Numbers 2023 has 76 pages of figures which help paint a picture of Island life, ranging from average house prices to number of passports issued.

Did you know that the average house price in the Isle of Man in 2022 was £386,955? Or that the year saw 586 births and 3,037 driving tests were taken? 

The fascinating facts also reveal that the face value of currency and notes in circulation on the Island was last recorded as being £101,112,000, whilst there were 1,471 new immigration applications received.

Some of the results of the 2023 edition continue to show life on the Island returning to normal after the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, with numerous areas returning to pre-pandemic levels. Unemployment fell sharply in 2021 and continued at pre-pandemic levels throughout 2022, whilst the number of new work permits issued, the number of passports issued and the number of wedding ceremonies taking place all increased in 2022.

The rate of inflation continues to cause challenges within society, with the Consumer Price Index ending 2022 at 7.4%, whilst the average house price also increased throughout the year. Elsewhere, the numbers of ships and the number of aircrafts registered in the Isle of Man both decreased in 2022.

The annual report is available on the Statistics Isle of Man webpage, and covers areas of public interest such as the economy, Government income and expenditure, our society and the environment and infrastructure. 

Data is gathered from a variety of sources including the Census, Earnings Survey, as well as from Government Departments, Boards and Offices.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-05-04.