Hospice services reviewed by CQC

Hospice Isle of Man has been praised for its ‘strong team working culture’ and treatment of patients in the latest report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The CQC found the service to be effective, caring, responsive and well-led. However, it did not meet all of their safety standards, making 11 recommendations for improvements. 

The report highlights some of the good practices at Hospice, notably the compassion and kindness of the staff. Staff respected the privacy and dignity of patients, providing emotional support, and supported patients to make decisions about their care. 

It was also noted that the strong culture of working together meant that employees, support groups and volunteers had effective working relationships, delivering a caring and individual service to patients. 

Most of the recommendations for Hospice Care were around storage of equipment and ensuring all employees had completed their training and risk assessment, management and governance courses. 

Since the assessment was carried out last year, several of the areas for improvement have already been addressed and assurance has been provided that further development required for the remaining recommendations will enable them to be implemented during this year. 

Chief Executive Officer for Hospice Care Isle of Man, John Knight, said:

‘We were delighted to welcome the CQC for their week-long inspection of our End of Life Care provision. We’re pleased they have recognised the high quality of care that Hospice and our partners in Manx Care provide and the clear focus in keeping patients at the centre of that. 

Mr Knight also continued to say:

‘The CQC highlighted the strong team working culture that provides a holistic service and the highly developed clinical informatics and quality assurance systems within Hospice. Comments from their very positive report will be used to support Hospice’s 40th year celebration this year.’ 

The Department of Health and Social Care have commissioned the CQC to undertake the baseline assessments to gain a better understanding of health and social care provision on the island. Publishing the reports is an opportunity to identify the notable areas of practice and improvements, whilst encouraging a culture of continuous progress. 

This is the latest report to be issued since the CQC baseline assessment schedule, began last year. 

For more information relating to the inspection programme or to view the all of the reports please visit the DHSC, External Quality Regulation website.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-02-21.