Home Affairs publish delivery plan for Island vision

dha island plan

The Department of Home Affairs has published its draft delivery plan for 2022-2023, setting out how the Department will contribute to Government’s vision for the Isle of Man over the next 12 months.

The plan outlines how the Department will achieve the targets and goals set out in the Island Plan, as well as supporting the strategic objectives of a secure, vibrant and sustainable future for our Island.

One piece of work to achieve a secure Island is ‘We have an Island where everyone feels safe’, which is supported by the core aim of the Department of Home Affairs; to protect the public from harm.

Every area of the Department of Home Affairs has responsibilities in delivering this objective – from Police to Fire and Rescue, Prison and Probation to Emergency Planning, and Civil Defence to policy and legislation work.

The Department is committed to providing services to the public that are appropriate, responsive and supportive, as well as updating legislation and practices to ensure we have modern and relevant system to protect all of the members of our society from harm.

Some of the key areas identified in the Island Plan include Road Safety, early-intervention and drugs misuse policy, all of which will be reviewed during the course of this administration to ensure that policies are providing the best outcome for residents.

In addition the Department has identified areas which it will aim to improve, including cross-government communication, and updating of technology and processes – as well as driving forward the implementation of several important pieces of legislation including the Justice Reform, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Offences and Obscene Publications Acts.

Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, Jane Poole-Wilson MHK, said;

‘This delivery plan is our commitment to helping achieve the outcomes set out in the Island Plan – the core purpose of the Department of Home Affairs is to ensure community safety for all of our residents, something which sits at the heart of the Island Plan.’

‘We will be exceptionally busy over the coming year but it is all working towards making positive change for our society – implementing important and pivotal legislation, continuing to develop service provision such as development of the Sexual Assault Referral Centre in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, and most importantly, making sure that people living, working or visiting our Island feel protected and supported.’

An update on the actions of the Department will be laid before July Tynwald for debate.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-03-14.