Get your COVID Pass in time for travel in the New Year

NHS COVID pass app and QR codeIsland residents planning overseas travel in the New Year are reminded to register for their NHS COVID Pass in good time – and ensure they can fulfil all necessary requirements for their trip.

The pass allows Isle of Man residents to show their vaccination status where evidence is required for travel and at venues and events, in a format which is internationally recognised.

There are three ways to access the NHS COVID Pass:

  • via the NHS App on a smartphone or tablet
  • online via the downloadable version available through the NHS website
  • by requesting a paper copy vaccination certificate

There are two versions of the COVID Pass in both digital and letter format – one for travel abroad and one for UK domestic events and venues. Further information and Frequently Asked Questions about the NHS Covid Pass for Isle of Man residents are available at the Isle of Man’s COVID-19 website.

The NHS COVID Pass provides evidence that an individual has received a full course of a vaccine approved by the MHRA in the UK. The service can be used three weeks after a first vaccine dose and the record can be updated seven days after the second dose.  

Those travelling abroad should confirm that their destination country requires proof of vaccination status – and whether one or two doses of the relevant vaccine is required.

To obtain a digital version of the pass people need to create an NHS login. The login generates a username and password which connects an individual securely to their vaccination record. NHS login registrations may take longer than usual when there are high numbers of requests, and the public are advised to register at least two weeks before they want to use the pass.

Alternatively, letters are being sent on request via a self-service web page or for those without digital access by phoning the NHS COVID Pass Service on 0808 162 4119. Letters will be sent automatically to the address the person has registered with their GP and should arrive in the post within seven working days of the date they were requested. Letters do not have an expiry date.

DomesticCovid Pass letters can be used to demonstrate a person’s COVID-19 status where this is a condition of entry into settings or events, while for international travel, a separate Travel COVID Pass letter is required. People requesting paper letters will be sent those they are eligible for, which in most cases will be both the travel and domestic versions.

Letters will be sent automatically to the address the person has registered with their GP and should arrive in the post within seven working days of the date they were requested. People should not request a letter if travelling in more than four weeks’ time.

All international travellers should confirm the entry requirements of the intended destination country using the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office travel advice website – see the UK’s Foreign Travel Advice page – as requirements for testing and vaccination can vary from country to country.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2021-12-17.