Financial Sanctions: Turkey

This news release is issued to publicise a new sanctions regime introduced in respect of Turkey.

On 12 November 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1890 (the EU Regulation) providing for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies responsible for Turkey’s unauthorised drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The European Union (Turkey Sanctions) Order 2019 applies the provisions of the EU Regulation, as modified by the Schedule to the Order, as part of the law of the Island. 

The Turkey Sanctions Regulations 2019 puts in place enforcement provisions for breaches of the financial sanctions contained in the EU Regulation. 

To date no individuals or entities have been included in Annex I of the EU Regulation.

Further details of the sanctions regime related to Turkey can be found in Sanctions Notice 52. Links to the UK’s Consolidated List of Individuals and entities subject to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2019-11-22.