Financial Sanctions: Russia

This news release is issued to publicise the addition of 1 entry, removal of 1 entry, correction of 3 entries and amendment of 118 entries to the Russian sanctions regime.

The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/855) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) and provide for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, or obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia. The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 have effect in the Isle of Man by the Russia Sanctions (Application) Regulations 2020 [S.D. 2020/0504].

On 16 September 2022 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK Sanctions List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.

Deleted information appears in [square brackets]. Additional information appears in italics.

  • The following entry has been added to the consolidated list and is subject to an asset freeze:

1. Arkady Romanovich ROTENBERG (Group ID: 15498)

Name (non-Latin script): Аркадий Романович РОТЕНБЕРГ

DOB: 15/12/1951. POB: Leningrad (St Petersburg), Russian Federation Nationality: Russia Position: (1) Previous Chairman of House of Prosvescheniye (2) Previous owner of Stroygazmontazh Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): RUS1552 (UK Statement of Reasons): Arkady Rotenberg has been involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine by being responsible for, engaging in, providing support for, or promoting any policy or action which destabilises Ukraine or undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, through the construction of the Kerch Bridge, and a railway line on the bridge, from Russia to the illegally annexed autonomous Republic of Crimea, by Stroygazmontazh, his former company which received a State contract for the construction of the bridge, and a railway line on the bridge, which undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Rotenberg has also been involved in obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia by owning or controlling directly or indirectly, Stroygazmontazh, an entity carrying on business in the Russian construction and transport sectors, sectors of strategic significance to the Government of Russia. (Gender):Male Listed on: 16/09/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 16/09/2022 Last Updated: 16/09/2022 Group ID: 15498.

This replaces the following entry regarding the same individual:

Arkady Romanovich ROTENBERG (Group ID: 13072)

DOB: 15/12/1951. POB: Leningrad (St Petersburg), Russia a.k.a: ROTENBERG, Arkadii, Romanovich Nationality: Russia Address: Russia. Position: (1) Former Chairman of house (2) Previous owner of Stroygazmontazh Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0123 (UK Statement of Reasons):Arkady Rotenberg is a prominent Russian businessman who has close personal ties to President Putin. Since March 2014, Rotenberg, or his companies, have received State contracts totalling over USD 7 Billion. In 2015, Rotenberg led the annual list of government contracts in terms of value, after being awarded contracts worth 555 Billion roubles from the Russian Government. Many of these contracts were awarded without formal competitive processes. On 30 January 2015, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that awarded to Stroygazmontazh (Rotenberg’s company at the time), a State contract for the construction of the Kerch Bridge from Russia to the illegally annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Through these contracts he has financially benefited from Russian Decision-makers responsible for the annexation of Crimea or the destabilisation of eastern Ukraine. He was the owner of the company Stroygazmontazh until 2019, which has been awarded a State contract for the construction of the Kerch bridge from Russia to the illegally annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea, therefore consolidating its integration into the Russian Federation, which in turn further undermines the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Similarly, in January 2017, Stroygazmontazh was awarded the State contract worth 17 billion roubles for the construction of a railway line on the Kerch bridge, which again further undermines the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Other activities included being the the chairman of the board of directors of the publishing house Prosvescheniye until 2017, which has notably implemented the project ‘To the Children of Russia: Address- Crimea’, a public relations campaign that was designed to persuade Crimean children that they are now Russian citizens living in Russia, and thereby supporting the Russian Government’s policy to integrate Crimea into Russia. (Gender):Male Listed on: 31/07/2014 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: [31/12/2020] 16/09/2022 Group ID: 13072.

  • The following entry has been removed from the consolidated list and is no longer subject to an asset freeze:


a.k.a: (1) CJSC ‘Interavtomatika’ (2) ZAO Interautomatica Address: Avtozavodskaya st., 14, Moscow, Russia, 115280. Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0206 Power Sector (UK Statement of Reasons):Company specialised in control and communications systems for power plants, which entered into contracts for projects concerning the power plants and the installation of gas turbines in Sevastopol. This contributes to establishing an independent power supply for Crimea and Sevastopol as a means of supporting their separation from Ukraine, and undermines the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. (Type of entity):Public Joint-Stock (Business Reg No):OGRN 1037739044111 dated 31/01/1994. Tax ID :7725056162 Listed on: 04/08/2017 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 31/12/2020 Last Updated: [31/12/2020] 16/09/2022 Group ID: 13526.

  • The following duplicates have been removed from the consolidated list. The original listings for Leonid Eduardovich SLUTSKI (Group ID: 12921) and Vladimir Abdualiyevich VASILYEV (Group ID: 13105) continue to apply and are still subject to an asset freeze. Only the duplicate listings have been removed:

1. Leonid Eduardovich SLUTSKY (Group ID: 14588)

Name (non-Latin script): Слуцкий Леонид Эдуардович

DOB: 04/01/1968. POB: Moscow, Russia Address: 1 Okhotny Ryad str, Russia, 103265. Position: Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0643 (UK Statement of Reasons):Member of the State Duma of Russia who voted in favour of Federal Law No. 75577-8 “On the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the Luhansk People’s Republic” and/or Federal Law No. 75578-8 “On the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the Donetsk People’s Republic”. In so doing, the member endorsed President Putin’s decision to recognise the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic as independent states, thereby providing support for policies and/or actions which destabilise Ukraine and/or undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. Listed on: 11/03/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 11/03/2022 Last Updated: [11/03/2022] 16/09/2022 Group ID: 14588.

2.    Vladimir Abdualievich VASILIEV (Group ID: 14562)

Name (non-Latin script): Васильев Владимир Абдуалиевич

DOB: 11/08/1949. POB: Klin, Russia Nationality: Russia Address: 1 Okhotny Ryad str, Russia, 103265. Position: Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0617 (UK Statement of Reasons):Member of the State Duma of Russia who voted in favour of Federal Law No. 75577-8 “On the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the Luhansk People’s Republic” and/or Federal Law No. 75578-8 “On the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the Donetsk People’s Republic”. In so doing, the member endorsed President Putin’s decision to recognise the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic as independent states, thereby providing support for policies and/or actions which destabilise Ukraine and/or undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. (Gender):Male Listed on: 11/03/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 11/03/2022 Last Updated: [11/03/2022] 16/09/2022 Group ID: 14562.

  • 118 entries have been amended and are still subject to an asset freeze. Further information can be found in the annex to this Notice.

What you must do

Financial institutions and other persons are required to check whether you maintain any accounts or otherwise hold funds or economic resources for, or provide financial services to, designated individuals. If so, you must freeze such accounts or other funds and, unless licensed by the Treasury, not deal with those funds or economic resources, make those funds or economic resources available to a designated person, or make those funds or economic resources available for the benefit of a designated person. You must also report your findings to the FIU.

Failure to comply with financial and trade sanctions legislation or to attempting to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.

Where a relevant institution has already reported details of accounts, other funds or economic resources held frozen for the designated person, you are not required to report these details again.

Further Information

Consequently the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the Consolidated List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.

Further details of the sanctions regime related to Russia and links to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-09-20.