This news release is issued to publicise the removal of 5 entries to the Mali sanctions regime.
The Mali (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (S.I. 2020/705) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) and provide for the imposition of financial sanctions, namely the freezing of funds or economic resources of persons involved in failing to comply with or to implement, the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali; engaging in armed hostilities in violation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mail; an attack against or obstruction of the activities of diplomatic personnel in Mali, personnel undertaking humanitarian assistance activity in Mali, or certain institutions, bodies, missions and mechanisms; obstruction of the delivery or distributions of, or access to, humanitarian assistance in Mali; the commission of a serious human rights violation or abuse, or violation of international humanitarian law, in Mali; the production in Mali of narcotic drugs and their precursors; the smuggling or trafficking into, through or from Mali of persons, cultural property, arms or materiel related to arms, or narcotic drugs and their precursors; or any other action, policy or activity which threatens the peace, stability and security of Mali or undermines efforts to implement the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali. The Mali (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 have effect in the Isle of Man by the Mali Sanctions (Application) Regulations 2020 [S.D. 2020/0450].
On 1 September 2023 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK Sanctions List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.
Deleted information appears in [square brackets]. Additional information appears in italics.
The following entries have been removed from the Consolidated List and are no longer subject to an asset freeze:
DOB: 31/12/1963. POB: Tin-Essako, Kidal region, Mali Good quality a.k.a: AG ALBACHA, Intahmadou Nationality: Mali National Identification Number: 1 63 08 4 01 001 005E Address: Quartier Aliou, Kidal, Mali. Position: President of the Humanitarian Commission of the Bureau Regional d’Administration et Gestion de Kidal Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):MAL0004. (UN Ref):MLi.004. Ahmed Ag Albachar is a prominent businessman and, since early 2018, a special advisor to the Governor of Kidal region. An influential member of the Haut Conseil pour l’unité de l’Azawad (HCUA), belonging to the Ifoghas Tuareg community, Ahmed Ag Albachar also mediates relations between the Coordination des Mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA) and Ansar Dine (QDe.135). Listed pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Security Council resolution 2374 (2017) (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze). Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. Listed on: 20/12/2019 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/07/2019 Last Updated: [31/12/2020] 01/09/2023 Group ID: 13799. - ALHOUSSEINI, Houka Houka Ag
DOB: (1) 01/01/1962. (2) 01/01/1963. (3) 01/01/1964. POB: Ariaw, Tombouctou region, Mali Good quality a.k.a: (1) IBN ALHOUSSEYNI, Mohamed (2) IBN AL-HUSAYN, Muhammad Low quality a.k.a: HOUKA, Houka Nationality: Mali Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):MAL0005. (UN Ref):MLi.005. Houka Houka Ag Alhousseini was appointed by Iyad Ag Ghaly (QDi.316) as the Cadi of Timbuktu in April 2012 after the establishment of the jihadist caliphate in northern Mali. Houka Houka used to work closely with the Hesbah, the Islamic police headed by Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, jailed at the Detention Centre of the International Criminal Court in The Hague since September 2016. Listed pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Security Council resolution 2374 (2017) (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze). Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link. Listed on: 20/12/2019 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/07/2019 Last Updated: [31/12/2020] 01/09/2023 Group ID: 13800. - BEN DAHA, Mahri Sidi Amar
DOB: 01/01/1978. POB: Djebock, Mali Good quality a.k.a: (1) DAHA, Sidi, Amar, Ould (2) DAHA, Yoro, Ould (3) DAYA, Yoro, Ould Low quality a.k.a: YORO Nationality: Mali National Identification Number: 11262/1547 National Identification Details: Mali Address: Golf Rue 708 Door 345, Gao, Mali. Position: Deputy chief of staff of the regional coordination of the Mécanisme opérationnel de coordination (MOC) in Gao Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):MAL0006. (UN Ref):MLi.006. Mahri Sidi Amar Ben Daha is a leader of the Lehmar Arab community of Gao and military chief of staff of the pro-governmental wing of the Mouvement Arabe de l’Azawad (MAA), associated to the Plateforme des mouvements du 14 juin 2014 d’Alger (Plateforme) coalition. Listed pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Security Council resolution 2374 (2017) (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze). Reportedly deceased in February 2020. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. Listed on: 20/12/2019 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/07/2019 Last Updated: [10/10/2022] 01/09/2023 Group ID: 13801. - MAHRI, Mohamed Ben Ahmed
DOB: 01/01/1979. POB: Tabankort, Mali Good quality a.k.a: (1) DAYA, Mohamed, Ould, Mahri, Ahmed (2) DEYA, Mohamed, Ould, Ahmed (3) ROUGI, Mohammed Low quality a.k.a: (1) ROUGGY, Mohamed (2) ROUGIE, Mohamed (3) ROUJI, Mohamed Nationality: Mali Passport Number: (1) AA00272627 (2) AA0263957 (3) AA0344148 Passport Details: (1) – . (2) – . (3) issued on 21 March 2019 (date of expiration: 20 March 2024) Address: Bamako, Mali. Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):MAL0007. (UN Ref):MLi.007. Mohamed Ben Ahmed Mahri is a businessman from the Arab Lehmar community in Gao region who previously collaborated with the Mouvement pour l’Unification et le Jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest (MUJAO) (QDe.134). Listed pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Security Council resolution 2374 (2017) (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze). Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link. Listed on: 20/12/2019 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/07/2019 Last Updated: [10/10/2022] 01/09/2023 Group ID: 13802. - MATALY, Mohamed Ould
DOB: –/–/1958. Nationality: Mali Passport Number: (1) D9011156 (2) AA0260156 Passport Details: (1) – . (2) issued on 3 August 2018 (date of expiration: 2 August 2023 Address: (1) Almoustarat, Gao, Mali.(2) Golf Rue 708 Door 345, Gao, Mali. Position: Member of Parliament Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):MAL0008. (UN Ref):MLi.008. Mohamed Ould Mataly is the former Mayor of Bourem and current Member of Parliament for Bourem’s constituency, part of the Rassamblement pour le Mali (RPM, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita’s political party). He is from the Lehmar Arab community and an influential member of the progovernmental wing of the Mouvement Arabe de l’Azawad (MAA), associated to the Plateforme des mouvements du 14 juin 2014 d’Alger (Plateforme) coalition. Listed pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Security Council resolution 2374 (2017) (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze). Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link. Listed on: 20/12/2019 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/07/2019 Last Updated: [10/10/2022] 01/09/2023 Group ID: 13803.
What you must do
Financial institutions and other persons are required to check whether you maintain any accounts or otherwise hold funds or economic resources for, or provide financial services to, designated individuals. If so, you must freeze such accounts or other funds and, unless licensed by the Treasury, not deal with those funds or economic resources, make those funds or economic resources available to a designated person, or make those funds or economic resources available for the benefit of a designated person. You must also report your findings to the FIU.
Failure to comply with financial and trade sanctions legislation or to attempting to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.
Where a relevant institution has already reported details of accounts, other funds or economic resources held frozen for the designated person, you are not required to report these details again.
Further information
Consequently the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the Consolidated List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.
Further details on the UN measures in respect of Mali can be found on the relevant UN Sanctions Committee webpage.
Further details of the sanctions regime related to Mali and links to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.