Drop-in sessions during Special Constabulary recruitment campaign

Special Constabulary recruitment

The Isle of Man Constabulary is currently running a campaign to recruit Special Constables and is holding a series of drop-in sessions over the next month.

The Special Constabulary comprises volunteers with regular jobs who support the operational duties of their full-time colleagues.

Specials are expected to contribute a minimum of 100 hours of duties over a 12-month period. The hours are voluntary and unpaid, but there are non-remunerative benefits such as personal development, camaraderie, team spirit and a sense of helping the wider community.

Chief Constable Gary Roberts said:

‘The Special Constabulary plays a vital role in modern policing and I look forward to welcoming new recruits again this year.

‘The work they undertake is not only important in helping to keep people safe – it is hugely rewarding from a personal perspective, allowing people to gain a range of experiences which are attractive to employers.

‘Being a Special Constable also provides many with the knowledge and confidence to apply to join their full-time colleagues, and is a useful way to find out if policing can become a career for them in the future.’

Drop-in sessions will take place in Costa at the Sea Terminal, Douglas, on the following dates, when serving Special Constables will be available to talk to potential applicants:

  • Thursday 12 April 6pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday 17 April  6pm to 8pm
  • Thursday 26 April 6pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 5 May 11am to 2pm

The closing date for applications is Friday 11 May at 4pm. For more information and an application pack visit iompolice.im

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2018-04-05.