A letter, assessing the performance of Manx Care from April 2022 to March 2023, has been sent by the Minister for Health and Social Care to the Chief Executive and interim Chair of Manx Care.
The assessment is based on the Manx Care Annual Report 2022 to 2023 and other information gathered during the year which will be discussed, alongside the letter, at the November sitting of Tynwald.
In the letter, the Minister acknowledges that there were a number of improvements and achievements during that time period, but that there are still concerns and areas which need to be addressed.
The achievements for that period include the Winter Pressures plan, successfully running an awareness campaign signposting patients to the right medical pathways as well as reducing pressures at the hospital, and launching the mental health Recovery College courses with UCM.
Additionally there were a number of inspections that took place during the time period, and Manx Care worked closely with both the CQC and Ofsted, responding quickly to prepare action plans for those issues which were reported.
The Minister also highlights some of the challenges that have been faced, both by Manx Care and by the Department, in reviewing performance. Specifically the importance of sharing high-quality performance data, to ensure that all parties are able to accurately measure and evidence performance. The Minister also notes the difficult financial position that continues to have an impact on the delivery of health and care services.
Continued development was encouraged on some projects including the creation of a comprehensive waiting list for all services and the continuation of Primary Care at Scale work, and he notes that subsequent work has taken place since the end of the year in question.
Minster for Health and Social Care, Lawrie Hooper MHK, said:
‘It’s encouraging to see the improvements which have taken place during the 2022/23 year that this Manx Care Annual Report covers. There has also been some really positive work that has taken place outside this timeframe, having taken place since March 2023, so I’m hopeful that the next report will show even clearer improvements for service users.
‘There are well documented issues which need to be addressed, and the Department are committed to supporting Manx Care in tackling the challenges around recruitment and retention, and improving communication with patients.’