Chief Minister refers dismissal of Minister to Tynwald committee

The Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK has today written to Tynwald’s Standards and Members’ Interest Committee, requesting it investigate matters relating to the dismissal of Rob Callister MHK as Minister for Health and Social Care.

The letter follows comments made in the media and in Tynwald on this matter.  Given the nature of the comments, the Chief Minister has referred the matter to the Committee so it can determine whether there has been any breach of the required standards and code of conduct for Members of Tynwald.

The letter can be downloaded from downloadable documents or read below: 

The Hon Laurence Skelly MLC
President of Tynwald
Legislative Buildings
Finch Road
Isle of Man

17 November 2022

Dear Mr President, 

Referral to the Tynwald Standards and Members’ Insterests Committee (‘The Committee’)

I wish to refer to the Committee for investigation the matters relating to the dismissal of Mr Callister MHK from the role of Minister, following recent comments made in the media and in Tynwald Court. 

I wish to refer to the Committee, under paragraph 3 of its remit, the matter of whether there have been any breaches of the required standards and code of conduct in Annexes 4 and 6 of Tynwald Standing Orders by the following members: 

  • Ms August-Hanson MLC
  • Dr Heywood MHK 
  • Ms Faragher MHK
  • Mr Callister MHK
  • Myself

I respectfully suggest that the time period of the investigation should be from Mr Callister’s appointment as Minister on 16 September 2022 until the November sitting of Tynwald on 15 November 2022. Obviously, the manner in which the Committee decides to investigate is a matter for it, and I will support it in whatever way I am asked. 

I will leave this matter with the Committee and would be happy to answer futher questions. 

I would respectfully request that any investigation is undertaken as quickly as possible. 

Yours sincerely, 

Hon Alfred Cannan MHK
Chief Minsiter

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-11-17.