Chief Minister congratulates Her Majesty The Queen on historic Accession Day

The Chief Minister Hon Alfred Cannan MHK has sent a letter of congratulations to Her Majesty The Queen on the seventieth anniversary of her accession to the throne.

The Chief Minister said:

“It is a remarkable achievement to reach a Platinum Jubilee and I have had the pleasure of extending to Her Majesty the congratulations and warm wishes of the government and the people of the Isle of Man on this historic occasion.

“The Queen has been a constant example of integrity and duty over a period of tremendous political and social change. Her Majesty is a unifying figure who brings a sense of dependability and comfort, both at home and abroad, as we have witnessed most recently during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I very much look forward to the Isle of Man playing its part in celebrations to mark this Platinum Jubilee year.”

The Isle of Man will mark the Platinum Jubilee with an additional public holiday on Friday 3 June which will create a four-day weekend. Details of other Jubilee events will be announced in the coming weeks.

The Queen, who is Lord of Mann, has visited the Isle of Man on a number of occasions throughout Her reign, most recently in 2003 when Her Majesty presided over the ancient Tynwald Day ceremony.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-02-08.