Call for communities to get together for Biosphere Bee in 2022

Biosphere Bee Community Picnic 2022 logoUNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man is inviting individuals and organisations to take part in a series of Island wide sustainable picnics next year known as The Biosphere Bee Community Picnic 2022

Groups will be able to plan their own sustainable picnic to connect people with nature, promote local produce, support wellbeing and bring together communities, using resources provided by UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man. 

The Biosphere Bee Community Picnic 2022 will run from April to September and it’s hoped that charities, neighbourhoods, schools, community groups and businesses will take part. 

Organisers can register their events through the UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man website from September 2021. 

UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man will provide those who register with a distinctive logo and digital resources such as posters and invitations that will enable them to plan and advertise their Biosphere Bee Community Picnic. 

Organisers will also receive guidance surrounding sustainability and Biosphere values, local produce, getting permissions to use land and keeping people safe to refer to during the planning and delivery of their Biosphere Bee Community Picnic. 

Geoffrey Boot MHK, Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture, said:

‘We have a particularly strong sense of community in our Biosphere and rebuilding connections with old friends and making new friends is really important after Covid lockdowns. 

‘Picnics will also connect people with nature and the outdoors in our beautiful Biosphere and promote and celebrate local produce. 

‘The creative aspect of planning a picnic will be appealing to many and we look forward to all of the imaginative ways people celebrate Biosphere Bee in 2022.

‘We hope we’ll see a blanket of Biosphere Bee Community Picnics across the Island next year.’ 

In the spirit of the Biosphere Bee Community Picnic 2022, Minister Boot invited neighbours of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture to a launch tea at DEFA headquarters at Thie Slieau Whallian. 

For more information about UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man’s projects and how to become involved, visit

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2021-08-03.