The Isle of Man Government has published the independent report, following the public inquiry, about the draft area plan for the east.
The independent inspector Michael Hurley sets out a number of recommendations and comments. These will now be considered by the Cabinet Office.
Any modifications proposed to the draft area plan will be published and then followed by an eight week consultation. It is expected that the draft area plan will be brought to Tynwald before the summer recess to be approved.
The inspector recommendations include:
- There should be a review of the area plan as soon as practical after a review of the strategic plan
- A focus of development sites in Douglas and Onchan and sustainable extensions at their edge
- Any release of strategic reserves of land should only occur when the population reaches 89,000
- Improve TT Access Road for a traffic lane in either direction by 2022
- There should be a requirement for cycle parking and changing facilities on employment sites to further integrate active travel into the planning system
- There should be protection for the Raad ny Foillan.
Chris Thomas MHK, Minister for Policy and Reform, said:
‘I would like to thank the independent inspector and all those who took part in the inquiry. I look forward to bringing the final plan to Tynwald before the summer recess, after further consultation.’
Chief Minister, Howard Quayle MHK, said:
‘Along with the Minister Thomas, I would also like to thank the inspector for this report. I have always supported an area plan that helps the redevelopment of brownfield sites to enable enhanced community spirit in town centres. The inspector has also highlighted this in his report.
‘The Cabinet Office will now consider his recommendations.’