A number of Members of Tynwald have been appointed to serve as members of government departments, statutory boards, and other public bodies. A small number of further appointments are still under consideration.
Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK said:
“As we continue our work to develop a new Island Plan, the Council of Ministers has been building a team drawn from Members of Tynwald who can help Government to deliver a more secure, vibrant and sustainable future for our community.
“I am grateful for the positive response from Members of Tynwald willing to contribute to ensuring government delivers high quality essential services that meet the needs of our people.”
Appointments to Government departments are as follows:
Department for Enterprise
- Rob Callister MHK
- Ann Corlett MHK
- Peter Greenhill MLC
- Tim Johnston MHK
Department of Education, Sport and Culture
- Claire Christian MHK
- Marlene Maska MLC
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture
- Claire Christian MHK
- Dr Michelle Haywood MHK
Department of Health and Social Care
- Ann Corlett MHK
- Joney Faragher MHK
- Dr Michelle Haywood MHK
Department of Home Affairs
- John Wannenburgh MHK
Department of Infrastructure
- Tim Glover MHK
- Kerry Sharpe MLC
The Treasury
- Bill Henderson MLC
- Sarah Maltby MHK
- Andrew Smith MHK
Appointments to statutory boards are as follows:
Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority*
- Non-voting Tynwald member: Ann Corlett MHK
Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading*
- Chair: John Wannenburgh MHK
- Vice Chair: to be confirmed
Isle of Man Post Office*
- Chair: Chris Thomas MHK
- Vice Chair: to be confirmed
Manx Utilities Authority*
- Chair: Rob Callister MHK
- Vice Chair: Peter Greenhill MLC
Public Sector Pensions Authority
- Vice Chair: Kate Lord-Brennan MHK (ex-officio as Chair of the Public Services Commission)
- Employer representative: Rob Mercer MLC
Appointments to other public bodies are as follows:
Armed Forces Champion
- Juan Watterson SHK
Culture Vannin*
- Chair: Chris Thomas MHK
- Vice Chair: Marlene Maska MLC
Isle of Man Government Preservation of War Memorials Committee
- Chair: Daphne Caine MHK
- Vice Chair: Juan Watterson SHK
Minister with responsibility to oversee appointments of lay members (non-Tynwald members) to statutory boards and other bodies
- Kate Lord-Brennan MHK (as Minister for the Cabinet Office)
Planning Committee
- Chair: Claire Christian MHK
Public Services Commission
- Chair: Kate Lord-Brennan MHK (as Minister for the Cabinet Office)
War Pensions Committee*
- Political member: David Ashford MHK (as Minister for the Treasury)
The remit of the roles of the equality and the children’s champions will be reviewed.
* These appointments require the approval of Tynwald.