Anti-bribery and corruption website and reporting channel launched

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The Isle of Man’s response to the threats posed by bribery and corruption have been further strengthened following the launch of a dedicated website – – and confidential reporting channel.

The Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) hub is a key part of a national strategy aimed at promoting greater awareness of domestic and international bribery and corruption. The focus is on protecting people by ensuring that any suspicious activity is recognised, reported and acted upon.

Information and guidance is provided for all sectors of the community on how to recognise bribery and corruption, including possible ‘red flags’.

The website sets out the steps that businesses can take to ensure they have appropriate procedures and preventative measures in place to reduce the risk of engaging in or facilitating bribery and corruption.

It also highlights how the Island’s respective agencies are working together to address the potential threats and help maintain the Island’s reputation as a well-regulated and responsible jurisdiction.

One of the main features of the website is a Confidential Reporting Form which provides a secure pathway for raising any suspicions or concerns that bribery or corruption is taking place. Reports can be made about an organisation or individual and anyone making a submission has the option to remain anonymous.

Kate Lord-Brennan MHK, Minister for the Cabinet Office, said:

‘The launch of the website and confidential reporting channel delivers on the commitment made in July when the Isle of Man’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Strategy was unanimously approved by Tynwald.

‘The online hub will be a valuable resource in helping people to recognise and report their concerns about possible bribery and corruption.  The work that is being coordinated across our partner agencies communicates a clear message that the Isle of Man does not tolerate, and will not facilitate, bribery and corruption in any form.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-10-20.