Proposed changes to parking arrangements at Isle of Man Airport have been revised in response to feedback received from the public.
Changes will come into effect on Tuesday 4 July and will now see the introduction of two price structures – Premium and Standard – in a 12-month trial.
Premium parking spaces will be clearly marked and closest to the main terminal building. Around 160 will be available to the left when driving in to what is currently the short-stay car park, and free parking will be available for 15 minutes.
While dedicated accessible spaces will be available in the Premium section, vehicles displaying a disabled parking blue badge anywhere in this area will be able to park for free for up to an hour and pay Standard rates for any additional time.
Standard parking charges will cover the remaining spaces in what is currently the short-stay car park in addition to those in what is now the long-stay car park – more than 420 in total. Free parking will be available for up to 30 minutes, and for up to an hour for those displaying a disabled parking blue badge.
Infrastructure Minister Chris Thomas MHK said:
‘The revised arrangements announced today are the direct result of engagement with our community and I thank those who got in touch to share their views. The vast majority who did so focussed on free parking and this has now been extended to 30 minutes in the areas covered by Standard charges.’
Dawn Kinnish MLC, Department Member and Chair of the Accessibility Steering Group, said:
‘I am pleased that the external engagement has led to changes and taken into account different needs. I would urge individuals who do not currently have a blue badge for parking in accessible parking bays to call 686325 or email to obtain an application form. The blue badge scheme considers not just mobility issues but also other exceptional circumstances.’
A draft copy of the Order and plan is available upon request by email to or by post to Isle of Man Airport, Ballasalla, IM9 2AS.
Anyone who wishes to make representations on or object to the proposal should do so by email to or by post to Isle of Man Airport, Ballasalla, IM9 2AS on or before Friday 16 June 2023.