Public feedback sought on climate change mitigation

The Isle of Man Government has launched a consultation on a new strategy for climate change mitigation 2020-2030. 

The consultation provides an opportunity for the public to feedback on a number of options suggested by the government and help to make crucial decisions on the next climate change strategy. 

The Minister for the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA), Geoffrey Boot MHK, launched the consultation in this month’s sitting of Tynwald, where he presented a statement to Tynwald Members on the progress being made to the current 2016-2020 climate change mitigation strategy. 

The Minister said:

‘Since Tynwald approved the first climate change mitigation strategy 2016-2020 in 2016, the need to make the necessary changes to the way we live has become increasingly urgent. In 2018 the United Nations stated that climate change is the defining issue of our time and that urgent action must be taken now. 

‘Climate change is a global issue that will affect the whole of the Island in the years to come, and I urge the public to respond to this consultation to help the government shape the future direction of our Island.’ 

Some of the key ideas being explored through the consultation are: 

  • Education and modification of consumer behaviour
  • Improving energy efficiency in buildings
  • Electrification of the heating and transport sectors
  • Planning for when existing fossil fuel power generation is decommissioned so it will be replaced with low emission and sustainable generation
  • Improve efficiency and sustainability in land use & waste sector 

New initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will require funding which will either come from Government incentives (paid by tax payers) and/or regulation and consumption taxation on consumers (directly or via additional costs passed on by businesses). 

The consultation is open for eight weeks and can be completed on the Government’s consultation hub.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2019-03-20.