Publication List 22.02.19

In accordance with the Orders and Regulations listed below, the most recent planning applications received and validated for publication are now available for viewing online including a link on which the site extents can be viewed via an online map.

A PDF version is available if you wish to print off the list.

You may also, if a planning application has not yet been determined, use this service to submit an objection or comment in support of the application.

Comments or objections relative to this list must be submitted by 15 March 2019.

A laminated Site Notice has been sent to each applicant for displaying at the site.

Copies of the applications are also available for viewing at the Office of Planning and Building Control or via the appropriate Local Authority.

Any persons wishing to make written representation or submission must direct them to:

Secretary to the Planning Committee

Planning and Building Control Directorate

Department of Environment Food and Agriculture

Murray House

Mount Havelock



Telephone:+44 1624 685950


Please be aware that all written representations OR SUBMISSIONS will be available for PUBLIC scrutiny and will form part of any proceedings arising in connection with the application. 

Whilst criteria for the submission of comment may differ under each instrument of legislation, to give weight to any representation or submission, and to enable assessment of parties for interested person status (as defined in the 2013 Order) persons are encouraged to clearly indicate the relationship between their land or buildings and the land that is the subject of the application. Sufficient interest in the subject matter of the application must be demonstrated if the person making representation should wish to be considered to take part in any subsequent proceedings. 

Please also be aware that any anonymous representations or submissions will not be considered as part of any planning determination. 

PLEASE NOTE: Applications made by the Department of the Environment Food and Agriculture or in which the Department is deemed to have a vested interest (below) are treated differently. 

Planning Application(s)   19/00133/B ( PATRICK )    referred to previously in the list is an (are) application(s) by the Department of Environment Food and Agriculture (DEFA) or are in which the Department is deemed to have a vested interest. As such the(se) application(s) will not be determined by DEFA, but will, following a period of 21 DAYS be referred to the Council of Ministers. Persons may view these applications at or submit written representations or submissions to DEFA, Murray House. Please ensure that such comment is submitted by 15 March 2019. Any representations or submissions received will be conveyed by DEFA to the Office of the Chief Secretary, The Cabinet Office, Government Office, Douglas who will thereafter manage the administration of the application(s) on behalf of the Council of Ministers.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2019-02-22.