The Department of Infrastructure welcomes the news a planning application has been submitted for the redevelopment of the former Lord Street bus station site by developers Kane Limited.
Subject to planning approval, it is hoped work will begin on the £25m hotel and cinema complex next year.
Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer MHK said:
‘The submission of the planning application is an important milestone and I’m excited at the opportunities presented by the proposed design.
‘If approved, this development will give North Quay a clear focal point, which is so important on one of the key entrance points to Douglas. It will create a strong asset for the town centre, a hub of activity with new jobs and facilities which are key objectives within both the Programme for Government and Central Douglas Masterplan.
‘I very much look forward to work beginning next year.’
The development features:
- 7-screen Omniplex cinema
- 80-bed Travelodge hotel
- 3 restaurants
- 20 residential units
- 4 retail units, which may be changed to become 2 larger units
- 6-storey car park
Agreement for sale was reached with Kane Limited in December 2017 for the freehold purchase of the site from the Isle of Man Government.
The project fulfils a policy within the Programme for Government to consider the social and economic benefits alongside financial considerations when disposing of Government property.