Maps and information relating to the Draft Area Plan for the East will be on public display at the Welcome Centre in Douglas from Monday, 25 June 2018.
The display stand is part of the work taking place to encourage feedback about proposals that will shape the future of strategic planning and development in the east of the Island.
Staff from the Cabinet Office will be available at the Welcome Centre from 10am to 4pm each day during the week 25 to 29 June, and then on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9am to 12 noon) from 3 to 12 July to help with any enquiries.
The public consultation into the Draft Area Plan for the East runs until Friday 31 August 2018 and the documents, written statements and maps are also available to view at, at the Tynwald Library and via local authorities in the eastern area.
Chris Thomas MHK, Minister for Policy and Reform, said: ‘The zoning of land can have a significant impact on our communities, so it is important that people are aware of the Draft Area Plan for the East. I would encourage everyone to look at what is being proposed and give us their views.’
Comments can be submitted in writing to or to Planning Policy, Government Office, Bucks Road, Douglas, IM1 3PN.
People can also provide feedback to their constituency MHKs who will be given a detailed presentation about the Draft Area Plan for the East. It is also intended to host public drop-in sessions during the consultation period.