Public’s SAVE ideas being implemented by Departments

Treasury Minister Alfred Cannan MHK says the huge public response to the SAVE initiative is already contributing to savings and efficiencies across the public sector.

In addition to the headline projects being taken forward by the Isle of Man Government, many other SAVE ideas have been implemented or are currently being assessed.

The SAVE programme board has reviewed, categorised and responded to all 1,300 suggestions received from members of the public.

Every submission and response has been published online, so that people can see which ideas are being progressed and learn about others that may be considered in the future.

Many ideas aimed at cutting red tape and bureaucracy, restructuring services, improving digital engagement and reducing the use of agency staff have already been acted upon.

Other suggestions that are being progressed include moving public sector pay slips online, improving energy efficiency in Government buildings and reviewing the budgeting process.

An update on the SAVE programme will be provided at the June sitting of Tynwald, including details of more than £6 million of savings to be achieved through the creation of a Public Defender Scheme, the consolidation of higher education services and the creation of an integrated transport strategy across the bus and rail networks.

Minister Cannan said:

‘The public response to the SAVE initiative was fantastic, with more than 1,300 suggestions being posted on our online ideas hub. As well as the big-ticket projects, I want to emphasise that dozens of other ideas submitted by members of the public have been implemented by Departments. It has been an extremely positive exercise that is already bearing fruit. This is just the beginning and we will continue to review and implement SAVE ideas in the months ahead.’

He added:

‘I wish to thank everybody who rose to the challenge and sent in a suggestion. It turned out to be one of the biggest public consultation exercises that Government has undertaken. We have looked at every single submission and published our responses online, so that people can clearly see how we are acting on their ideas in order to innovate, streamline and cut waste.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2018-06-18.