This news release is issued in respect of the financial sanctions measures relating to Libya.
Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 2016/44 has been amended with effect from 15 June 2018, following the publication of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/870.
The Amending Regulation reflects the decisions made on 15 June 2018 by the United Nations Security Council Committee to add 6 individuals to the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures.
POB: (possibly Asmara, Eritrea)
a.k.a: (1) GHERMAY, Ermies (2) GHIRMAY, Ermias
Nationality: Eritrea
Address: Tripoli, Tarig sure no. 51, likely moved to Sabratha in 2015.
Position: Leader of a transnational trafficking network
Other Information: UN Ref LYi.021. Approximately 35-45 years old. Travel ban and asset freeze. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/06/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13671
POB: Massaua, Eritrea
a.k.a: ABDELRAZAK, Fitwi, Esmail
Nationality: Eritrea
Position: Leader of a transnational trafficking network
Other Information: UN Rref LYi.022. Approximately (30-35 years old). Travel ban and asset freeze. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/06/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13672.
AL-DABBASHI, Ahmad, Oumar
POB: (possibly Sabratha, Talil neighbourhood)
a.k.a: (1) AL AMMU, Ahmad, Oumar (2) AL-AHWAL, Ahmad, Oumar (3) AL-DABACHI, Ahmad, Oumar
Nationality: Libya
Address: (1) Garabulli, Libya. (2) Zawiya, Libya .
Position: Commander of the Anas al-Dabbashi militia, Leader of a transnational trafficking network
Other Information: UN Ref. LYi.023 Approximately 30 years old. Low quality aka – The Uncle. Travel ban and asset freeze. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/06/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13673
DOB: 19/01/1983.
POB: Sabratha, Libya
a.k.a: ABU-AL QASSIM OMAR, Musab, Boukrin
Nationality: Libya
Passport Details: 782633 issued on 31 May 2005. And 540794 issued on 12 Jan. 2008
Position: Leader of a transnational trafficking network
Other Information: UN Ref LYi.024. Low quality aka- The Doctor and Al-Grein. Travel ban and asset freeze. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/068/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13674.
KACHLAF, Mohammed
POB: Zawiya, Libya
a.k.a: (1) AL-QASAB, Mohammed (2) KASHLAF, Mohammed (3) KESLAF, Mohammed (4) KOSHLAF, Mohammed
Nationality: Libya
Address: Zawiya, Libya.
Position: Commander of the Shuhada al-Nasr brigade, Head of the Petrol Refinery Guard of Zawiya’s refinery
Other Information: UN Ref LYi.025. Travel Ban, Asset Freeze. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/06/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13675
AL-MILAD, Abd, Al-Rahman
POB: Tripoli, Libya
a.k.a: MILAD, Rahman, Salim
Address: Zawiya, Libya.
Position: Commander of the Coast Guard in Zawiya
Other Information: UN Ref LYi.026. Approx 29 years old. Travel ban and asset freeze. Low quality aka al-Bija. UN and EU listing.
Listed on: 15/06/2018 Last Updated: 15/06/2018 Group ID: 13676
Financial institutions and other persons are required to check whether they maintain any accounts or otherwise hold funds, financial assets, economic benefits and economic resources for the designated persons. If so, they must freeze such accounts or funds and, unless licensed by the Treasury, refrain from dealing with said funds or economic resources, and suspend the provision of any financial services. They must also report their findings to the FIU.
Failure to comply with financial sanctions legislation or to seek to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.
Further details of the sanctions regime related to Libya and links to the UK’s Consolidated List of individuals and entities subject to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.