Bachelor in Nursing Recruitment Programme launches for September 2024 cohort

Are you considering a career in Nursing on the Isle of Man?

The pre-registration Nursing Programme (Adult and Mental Health Fields), is now recruiting for the September 2024 cohort.

Image showing a student nurse wearing a stethoscope and a lady sat in a chair with a blood pressure machine next to her. With a green arrow reading study to become a registered nurse on the IOM. Writing underneath the image reads now recreating for the pre-registration nursing programme (adult and mental health fields) September 2024 Cohort

The Bachelor in Nursing is primarily based at Keyll Darree, School of Health on the Noble’s Hospital site, which has excellent graduate outcomes and can offer an immersive learning experience. This course equips students with the skills, knowledge and personal development to enable them to meet the diverse professional challenges of nursing.

Working with patients and service users of all ages, this profession focuses on improving the quality of life for others by being highly observant and building trusting relationships. The course aims to develop students into adaptable, reflective and compassionate practitioners through carefully devised teaching and learning methods.

Designed to meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Keyll Darree teaching staff and Manx Care aim to give learners as much real-world experience as possible with invaluable placement support, meaning they get hands-on experience of working in the field. 

Placing equal value on practice and theory, students study a wide range of subjects, including anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, psychology, sociology and research methods. This allows learners to become immersed in learning about the needs of populations, individuals, related health and nursing services with an emphasis on using research to enhance and improve services.

A wide range of clinical placements gives students the opportunity to practice care, compassion and communication – values that have positive impacts on not only the service user/patient journey, but also on their lives.

Our collaboration with the University of Chester allows people to study at home on the Island if they wish to, without having the expense and stress of travelling further afield, at the same time building the future nursing workforce for the Isle of Man.

Student Nurses who study with us on the Isle of Man have all their university fees paid (the equivalent of £9,250 per year for each of the three years), and receive an annual bursary of £10,000.

Applications are now open until 22 March 2024 via the UCM website.

Director of Education for Manx Care and Head of School at Keyll Darree, Paul Irving, commented:

‘We are excited to launch the pre-registration programme for the Bachelor of Nursing, September 2024 cohort. We produce Nurses who are not only excellent clinical practitioners, but who also understand the importance of care, compassion and communication. Our staff have a wealth of experience and can demonstrate the positive impact that Nurses have on patients’ lives.’

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-11-02.