Statement from Manx Care following the conclusion of an inquest into a death in theatre at Noble’s Hospital

Manx Care and the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) note the Coroner’s conclusion following the inquest into the death of James Shimmin. At the time of the events leading to Mr. Shimmin’s death on 04 February 2021, Noble’s Hospital was operated by the DHSC.  

An internal investigation into the events of 04 February 2021 was undertaken that year, leading to a series of recommendations being made. These were fully accepted and an action plan developed to implement those recommendations. As part of wider service improvements, Manx Care has also introduced a number of further initiatives since it assumed oversight of Noble’s Hospital on 01 April 2021, evidence of which was presented to the court. This includes an external, independent accreditation of its Operating Theatres in September 2022 by the Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP), the UK’s leading membership organisation dedicated to theatre practitioners and improving perioperative care. The Coroner was satisfied as to Manx Care’s response to the internal investigation action plan and the broader service developments implemented by the organisation since it was created such that he was satisfied there was no need to exercise his powers to make a report in respect of the prevention of future deaths. 

Manx Care and its employees fully assisted the Coroner’s inquiry throughout the inquest. In open court, the Coroner recorded his gratitude to Manx Care’s Chief Executive, Teresa Cope, and her team, for their efforts to support the inquest process throughout this period.    

Finally, and we would like to reiterate this, the events of 04 February 2021 that led to the tragic death of Mr. Shimmin remain very much at the forefront of our minds. On behalf of Manx Care and the DHSC, both organisations wish to convey their condolences to Mrs. Shimmin and James’ family on his death. 

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-09-15.