The four final baseline reports looked at Acute and Community Services, the Manx Emergency Doctor Service (MEDS), the Manx Care Leadership and Governance ‘Well-led report’, and Integrated Mental Health services.
A full inspection programme overview report has also been released, detailing CQC’s findings across each of the areas where baseline assessments were carried out and includes areas of notable practice, the system-wide concerns and the strategic direction throughout the services provided directly or commissioned by Manx Care.
- Acute and Community Services Comprehensive
- Manx Emergency Doctor Service (MEDS)
- Manx Care Well-led
- Integrated Mental Health Services
- Isle of Man Inspection Programme Overview Report
- Manx Care Quality Strategy 2023-2025
The comprehensive Acute and Community Services report covers the hospital-based care groups including the Medicine, Urgent Care and Ambulance; Surgery, Theatres, Critical Care and Anaesthetics; Integrated Diagnostics and Cancer Services; Integrated Women’s, Children’s and Families and Integrated Primary and Community Services.
The MEDS report details the services provided by the General Practice emergency out of hours department located at Noble’s Hospital.
The Well-led report is a review of the Manx Care leadership and governance at Board and executive level and the overall organisational vision and strategy. The report also covers organisation-wide governance, management and improvement along with organisational culture and engagement.
The Integrated Mental Health report covers all community and hospital-based services which includes the Drug and Alcohol and Crisis Teams; the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS); the Community Mental Health Service for Adults, the Older Persons Mental Health Service (OPMHS) and Memory Service, and the Mental Health Adult patient ward and the Older Persons ward which are based within the Manannan Court facility at Noble’s Hospital.
In response to these reports; Manx Care has produced a high-level Quality Strategy outlining the areas for scheduled development to deliver the recommendations as reported by CQC and provide assurance to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
Minister for the Department of Health and Social Care, Lawrie Hooper MHK, said:
‘It is very clear that our health and care staff on the island want to provide compassionate, safe care. This is a recurring theme throughout the reports with an emphasis on the level of kindness, respect and passion provided to patients, and by planning for the future workforce this will help to address any concerns behind access to and experience of care.’
He added:
‘By addressing and focusing on the areas for improvement, Manx Care undoubtedly demonstrates its commitment and assurance to the Department of Health and Social Care to improve services for the future of patient care.’
Discussions are ongoing with CQC for high-level support with the future regulation of health and social care here in the Isle of Man.
For more information relating to the inspection programme or to view the all of the reports please visit the DHSC, External Quality Regulation website.