Public invited to take part in electoral review

Electroal Commission public meetings throughout the IslandThe public are asked to share their experience and suggestions for improving the Island’s voting processes, at four meetings which will be held across the Island.

The Isle of Man Electoral Commission will be holding public meetings on 25 May, 15 June, 20 June and 29 June 2023.

The Commission have been tasked with reviewing the number and boundaries of constituencies, as well as the accessibility of elections, postal and proxy voting procedures, and the feasibility of ‘all island’ polling stations.

At the meetings, the Commission will be gathering the views and experiences of the general public to be used as part of a report to Tynwald. The Commission would welcome representations that raise any issues or concerns, highlight areas of excellence, or provide additional data and evidence to inform their deliberations.

The Commission has already been gathering evidence from key stakeholders, such as previous election candidates, current Members of Tynwald, Deputy Returning Officers and other interested parties.

Chair of the Electoral Commission, Sally Bolton said:

‘The Electoral Commission is an independent body whose role is to look to review and recommend improvement around the democratic election process of the Island. We are encouraging participation from all areas of the public in this consultation phase, whether or not they have recently voted in a general election. We would be pleased to have people consider coming along to one of these public events.’

The Commission has arranged four public meetings to take place in the North, South, East and West of the Island from 6:30pm to 8pm:

  • North – Thursday 25 May 2023 – Ramsey Town Hall
  • East – Thursday 15 June 2023 – St Andrews Church, Douglas
  • South – Tuesday 20 June 2023 – Arbory Parish Hall
  • West – Thursday 29 June 2023 – Corrin Hall, Peel

If anyone wishes to contact the Electoral Commission to share their own experiences or concerns about the House of Keys election process there is a dedicated email inbox:

These public meetings will be followed by an online public consultation around the end of May, providing the opportunity for those who are unable to attend these sessions to submit their views.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-05-18.