Manx Care will take over the management of Ballasalla Medical Centre on an interim basis from next month, following the practice’s decision to formally hand back their contract. Patients should see no change to the services they receive, and should continue to access these as normal.
From 01 May, Manx Care will take over Ballasalla Medical Centre, in order to secure the future provision of GP services to the patients currently being served by the practice. Patients will continue to be able to access their GP services as usual, and do not need to take any action at this time.
We appreciate that this news may cause some uncertainty for patients of Ballasalla Medical Centre, however this decision has been made to ensure that service provision continues to run as smoothly as possible for these individuals.
Manx Care is working closely with the practice as plans are put in place over the coming weeks, to ensure the best service possible for patients in the practice’s catchment area.
Anyone who is concerned about this news can contact the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service Team via email or on the phone (+44 1624 642642). Although the team will not be able to add anything further to the position outlined above, they will be able to capture any queries or concerns people may have which may arise from this news.