Public views to be collected as part of the illicit drugs review

A number of households across the Island have been sent a survey which aims to gather residents’ views on the impact of illegal drugs and how the Island should respond to the issue of drugs.

Around 7,000 randomly selected households have been invited to take part, with the youngest person living in the house (who is aged 18 or over and permanently resident) being asked to complete the survey.

The survey is part of the review of the harms caused by illicit drugs, being undertaken by the Department of Home Affairs, following on from a Tynwald recommendation in December 2020.

The review will be used to inform thinking about drug policy, by providing information about the impact of illicit drug use on both our health and criminal justice systems, as well as gathering public opinion.

The survey will gather public views on drug use, how addiction is treated and alternative approaches to possession offences, including non-punitive approaches. The final report will include all findings and a summary and interpretation of other reviews that have examined the outcomes of legislative change (including decriminalisation) in other countries.

Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, Jane Poole-Wilson MHK, said:

‘It’s really important to us to make sure we have wide public engagement with the illicit drugs review, as it will be used to inform our wider conversations about drugs policy on the Isle of Man. The results of the public survey will make up a part of that review.  

‘By selecting a random group of households, we’re aiming to gather responses that represent the different views and experiences of residents. Taking part is voluntary but it is a real opportunity to shape any future policy, and I’d like to encourage everyone who received a letter to take part.’

All responses to the survey are anonymous and completely confidential.  The Public Health Directorate, with researchers from the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, have designed the survey to gather these views on behalf of the Isle of Man Government.

Taking part is voluntary and you can choose which questions you feel comfortable answering. The survey closes on midnight of 7 April 2023.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-29.