Fracture and Orthopaedic clinic moves to Noble’s Hospital

Manx Care’s Fracture and Orthopaedic Clinic will be moving to Noble’s Hospital from next week.

The Orthopaedic Outpatients and Fracture Clinic, currently based in Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital’s Wound Management Clinic, is moving to its old location next to the Emergency Department at Noble’s Hospital from 03 April.

This move will enable the upgrade of X-Ray facilities at Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital (RDCH). In the meantime, a temporary X-Ray facility will be available at RDCH to provide services to the Minor Injuries and Illnesses Unit. The move is necessary because a fixed X-Ray facility is required for orthopaedic patients.  

Patients who have an orthopaedic or fracture clinic appointment from Monday 03 April should attend the Fracture and Orthopaedic Clinic at Noble’s Hospital. The clinic is located next to the Emergency Department, and is accessed from the main hospital corridor (west wing). Those who have already been offered appointments that are now affected will be contacted, and going forward any appointments offered will include details of the new location.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your appointment, please contact the Patient Information Centre on +44 1624 650103.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-29.