ME/CFS and Long Covid Service official launch

Manx Care’s ME/CFS and Long Covid Service will hold an official launch event next month.

On the afternoon of Monday 03 April, the ME/CFS (Myalgia Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Long Covid Service are holding their official launch event in the Scott Foundation Room, Keyll Darree, Noble’s Hospital.

This will be an opportunity for members of the public, as well as Manx Care colleagues and other stakeholders, to meet the team and find out more about the new service.

Since its formation, Manx Care has collaborated closely with patient groups and charities to develop an enhanced service, to meet the needs of people living with ME/CFS and a growing number of people with Long Covid. There are approximately 350 adults with ME/CFS and 1,000+ adults with Long Covid on the Island.

The service now has colleagues in post and is open to referrals from GPs across the Island, and the professional service team is acknowledging all referrals with a letter and a list of useful resources.

Oliver Radford, Manx Care’s Director of Operations, said:

“This launch event will be a fantastic opportunity for people across the Island to get some insight into the assessment process and treatment pathways. We’ve been open to ideas from those with lived experience, which has really pushed the service forward, and combining the ME/CFS service with that for Long Covid is a distinguishing factor compared with UK counterparts. We look forward to collaborating further with other public representatives where appropriate for other Manx Care services.”

It is hoped that this new service will have a positive impact on those affected by ME/CFS and Long Covid, with clinics at Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital, Thie Rosien in Port Erin, the Noble’s Hospital site and at the Western Wellbeing Centre in Peel.

Juan Corlett, from ME Support (IOM), commented:

“Whilst there is no quick fix for ME/CFS and Long Covid, getting the right assessment, support and advice can really help people to live well with these conditions. The innovative approach taken by Manx Care and ME Support (IOM) has been key to the development of this vital service, and we look forward to working with the team going forward.”

The launch event will include a “meet and greet” opportunity with the team from 1pm – 2:30pm on 03 April 2023. Anyone is welcome to stay for formal presentations between 2:30pm and 3:30pm, which will be delivered by members of the ME/CFS and Long Covid Team, and representatives of ME Support (IOM), followed by a Question and Answer session. The session will conclude with the formal launch by His Excellency Sir John Lorimer, Lieutenant Governor, and Lady Lorimer.

There is a small number of disabled parking spaces available in front of Keyll Darree.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-28.