Government sets out plans to mark fifty years since Summerland tragedy

A series of events will take place later this year to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Summerland fire. 

The entertainment and leisure complex, which opened in 1971, was destroyed by fire on 2 August 1973.  Fifty people lost their lives in the tragedy and a 100 people were seriously injured. 

A National Service of Remembrance will be at the centre of commemorations, taking place on Sunday 30 July at St George’s Church in Douglas. 

On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary, a presentation will be held to formally recognise and thank the Island’s emergency services and hospital staff for their response.

A new oral history project from Culture Vannin will present memories of those who experienced the fire and its aftermath.  The memories, which will form a unique historical record, will be made available online for all to access.

Manx National Heritage is developing a new online exhibition called ‘Remembering Summerland’, which will launch on the week of the anniversary.  The Google Arts & Culture online exhibition will include archive material, oral testimonies and filmed interviews. 

On the anniversary of the fire, the annual service of remembrance will take place at the Kaye Memorial Garden, hosted by Douglas City Council. 

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK said:

“The Summerland tragedy is one of the darkest days in the Island’s history.  Almost half a century may have passed since this harrowing event, but the tragedy continues to cast a long shadow and resonate in the lives of many – whether they be survivors, relatives or descendants of those who died or suffered, residents or visitors. 

“Those who carried out vital duties on the night or witnessed the fire also carry painful memories – which in turn have affected their lives and families.   

“The fiftieth anniversary is an important moment for reflection on an event we must not and will not forget. “ 

Further details on the events and timings will be published in due course.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-24.