Northern Wellbeing Partnership drop-in from April 7 March 2023

A Wellbeing Partnership drop-in service will be starting in the North next month.

The Northern Wellbeing Partnership is establishing a weekly drop-in service for those with queries around wellbeing or Manx Care services, based in Ramsey Town Hall from 3 April. This will allow people registered with Ramey group practice, the option of face to face as well as telephone referrals directly into the partnership going forward, ensuring that people who need access to health and social care services can do so closer to their homes.

The Wellbeing Partnership Model, developed by Manx Care, represents a new way of working with Third Sector organisations to deliver a seamless and efficient person-centred, multi-agency health and social care service through a single point of referral. This will deliver better outcomes for Manx residents by ensuring there is better co-ordination of health and social care services closer to their homes that meet the needs of the local community, and that are focused on helping people to maintain their independence. Partnerships also act as a confidential signposting service for people where required.

Unlike the two physical presences we already have in the West and South, we do not currently have a physical base in North, although this will be developed over time once suitable facilities are available. Until then, this drop-in will support the northern community. There are also plans for the development of a Wellbeing Partnership in the East, to further improve access to community-based health and social care services for residents living in this area.

The Northern Partnership will initially provide a counter service every Monday from 3 April at Ramsey Town Hall, from 10am – 12pm and 12:45pm – 4pm.

Manx Care’s CEO, Teresa Cope, commented:

“This drop-in service will mean that health and social care services will begin to be more easily accessible to a wider group of people, ensuring that they get the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. This work towards a full launch of a Northern Wellbeing Partnership indicates our commitment to the development of a person-centred health and social care service.”

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2023-03-07.