Financial Sanctions: Global Human Rights

This news release is issued to publicise an amendment to 4 entries and correction of 2 entries under the Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime.

The Global Human Rights Sanctions Regulations 2020 (S.I. 2020/680) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) and provide for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies responsible for or involved in serious violations of human rights. The Global Human Rights Sanctions Regulations 2020 [SI 2020/680] have effect in the Isle of Man by the Global Human Rights Sanctions (Isle of Man) Order [SI 2020/744].

On 11 November 2022 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK Sanctions List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation. 


Deleted information appears in [square brackets]. Additional information appears in italics. 

  • The following entries have been amended and are still subject to an asset freeze: 


1.  Min Aung HLAING (Group ID: 13897)

DOB: 03/07/1956.
POB: Tavoy, Myanmar [(Burma)]
Nationality: Myanmar [(Burma)] National Identification Number: 12/SAKHANA(N)020199
National Identification Details: NRC number
Address: Myanmar [(Burma)].
Position: Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw)
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0046 and MYA0018 Listed under the Global Human Rights and Myanmar sanctions regimes. (UK Statement of Reasons):Senior General Min Aung Hlaing is Commander in Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw). In this role, he was responsible for military operations carried out in Rakhine State in 2017 and in 2019 and is responsible for atrocities and serious human rights violations committed against the Rohingya population in Rakhine state by the Tatmadaw. These include unlawful killings, including through systematic burning of Rohingya houses and buildings, massacre, torture, forced labour, systematic rape and other forms of targeted sexual violence, and enforced labour. On 1 February 2021 the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw), led by Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing, staged a coup in Myanmar. As part of the coup, Vice-President Swe declared a state of emergency on 1 February transferring the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the state to Min Aung Hlaing. On 2 February, the Tatmadaw established the State Administration Council (SAC), which is chaired by Hlaing, in order to run the functions of the state. The SAC has adopted legislation violating the right to privacy and removing protection from arbitrary detention in Myanmar. The Myanmar security forces have committed serious human rights violations since 1 February 2021; killing a protestor, restricting freedom of assembly and of expression including through restricting internet access and of assembly, arbitrary arrest and detention of opposition leaders and opponents of the coup, and infringing. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Tatmadaw, Min Aung Hlaing has overall control of the Myanmar security forces and therefore has command responsibility for these violations. As a member of the SAC Hlaing shares responsibility with its other members for the exercise of state functions since 2 February 2021, including legislation violating human rights, and for the serious human rights violations committed by the Myanmar security forces. (Gender):Male
Listed on: 25/02/2021
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 06/07/2020
Last Updated: [29/04/2021] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 13897. 

2.    Soe WIN (Group ID: 13898)

DOB: 01/03/1960.
POB: Myanmar [(Burma)]
Nationality: Myanmar [(Burma)]
Position: Second in Command of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw)
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0047 (UK Statement of Reasons):Vice Senior General Soe Win, as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw) and Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Army, had responsibility for the Tatmadaw troops who carried out serious human rights violations against the Rohingya population in Rakhine State in 2017 and 2019 including unlawful killings, torture, forced labour, systematic rape and other forms of targeted sexual violence. Soe Win was also involved in the financing of the Tatmadaw military operations in Rakhine State during which these violations took place, knowing that this financing would contribute to the commission of these violations.
(Gender): Male
Listed on: 06/07/2020
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 06/07/2020
Last Updated: [09/10/2020] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 13898.



a.k.a: MEC
Address: Strand Rd., Near Thakhin Mya Park, Ayeyar Waddy Ward, Ahlone, Yangon, Myanmar [(Burma)].
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0081 Names of Director(s)/Management: Lt Gen (retired) Nyo Saw (Former QMG – retired in 2020); Maj Gen Moe Myint Htun (Army COS); Rear Admiral Moe Aung (Navy COS); Lt Gen Htun Aung (Air Force COS); Brig Gen Aung Kyaw Hoe (Defence Perm Sec); Aung Lin Tun (Htun); Maj Gen Aung Zay Ya; Khin Maung Soe; Maj Gen Maung Maung Myint; Brig Gen Thaik Soe; Thant Swe; Thant Zin; Maj Gen Thaw Lwin; Thein Toe; Maj Gen Zaw Lwin Oo; Zin Min Htet; Aung Min; Htun Htun Oo; Myo Thant; Win Lwin. Ultimate beneficial owner(s): Myanmar senior military leadership, units and battalions. (UK Statement of Reasons): Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) is a major Myanmar conglomerate, which in practice is owned and governed by, and for the benefit of, the Myanmar Ministry of Defence (MoD). The Tatmadaw who are responsible for serious human rights violations against the population of Myanmar, including the 2021 coup d’etat and violence against ethnic minorities, is under the command of the MoD. Also several former and serving member of the Tatmadaw are directors of MEC. There are therefore reasonable grounds to suspect that MEC is associated with the Tatmadaw. Further or alternatively, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that MEC made funds available to the Tatmadaw by directly contributing to a fundraising event aimed at providing financial support for the Tatmadaw during the 2017 ‘clearance operations’ against the Rohingya. These “clearance operations” resulted in serious human rights violations, including mass unlawful killing, torture, systematic rape and targeted sexual violence. (Type of entity):Military Holding Company (Subsidiaries):Agro Pack Co., Ltd.; Aung Myint Mo Min Securities. Ahlone International Port Terminal 1. Amber International Company Ltd.. Anhydrous Ethanol Plant (Taungzinaye). Aung Myint Moh Min Insurance Company Ltd.. Aung Zayya Oo Co., Ltd.. Bagwa Gone Company Ltd.. Bagwa Gone Gems Company Ltd.. Cannery. Cement plant (Myaingglay). Coal Mine (Maw Taung). Coal Mine and Power Plant (Mai Khot). Container Transport and Port Clearance Yard (Ywama) Cotton Ginning Factory (Myitthar). Dagon Beverages Company Ltd.. Dagon Dairy Farm, Dairy Factory and Cannery (Pyinmabin). Dagon FC Company Ltd.;. Dagon Rum Factory (Shwe Pyi Thar). Disposable Syringe Factory (Hwambi). Galvanized Iron Sheet Factory (Than Hlyin). Gas plant (Botahthaung). Gas plant (Mandalay). Gems Extraction Mine (Mine Shu – Loi Saung Htauk). Glass Factory (Than Hlyin). Golden Majestic Star Mobile Company Limited. Granite Mine and Processing Plant (Balin). GSM Mobil Phone (438,000) Allocation (Ayeyarwadi Division). Gypsum Mine and Transportation Plant (Htone Bo). High Tension Steel Bolts, Nuts and Washers Manufacturing Plant (Ywama). Hteedan Port (Kyeemyindine). Indoor Skydiving. Innwa Bank Ltd. Jade Extraction Mine (Lone Khin – Hpakan). Kan Thar Yar International Specialist Hospital. Marble mine and processing plant (Mandalay). Myanmar Economic Corporation Telecommunication (MECTel). Myanmar Mobile Money Services Company Ltd.. Myanmar Mobile Money Services Company Ltd.;. Myanmar Sigma Cable Wire Factory (Hlaing Thar Yar);. Mytel Wallet International Myanmar Company. Nan Myaing Coffee (Pyin Oo Lwin); Okkala Golf Resort. Nay Pyi Taw Ye Pyar Drinking Water Plant (Naypyitaw). No. 1 Steel Rolling Mill in Kyauk Swae Kyowe on site of Pinpet Iron Ore Mine. No. 2 Steel Mill and Fabrication Shop (Myaungdagar). No. 3 Steel Mill 3 (Ywama). Oxygen Plant (Mindama). Paper Factory (Myainggalay). Printing Factory (Yangon). Refractory Plant (Aung Lan). Remote sensing ground station. Rice Mills and Rice Storage (Hteedan Port). Sandaku Myint Mo Co., Ltd.. Ship Breaking Yard (Thilawa). Star High Co., Ltd.. Star High Group Company Ltd. Sugar Mill (Du Yin Gabo). Sugar mill (Kanbalu). Sugar Mill (Kanhla). Tea factory (Kan Yeik Thar). Tea powder and tea mix factory (Pyinmabin). Tristar Tyre Manufacturing Company Ltd. Tyre Retreading Plant (Ywama). Virgin Coconut Oil Factory (Pathein). Wolfram Mine (Dawei)
Listed on: 01/04/2021
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 01/04/2021
Last Updated: [01/04/2021] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 14081. 


a.k.a: (1) MEHL (2) Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited
Address: 189/191 Mahaban Doola Road, Corner of 50th Street, Yangon, Myanmar [(Burma)].
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0080 Names of Director(s)/Management: Commander-inChief Senior General Min Aung; Deputy Commander-in-Chief U Soe Win; Lt General Hsan Oo; Lt General Mya Tun Oo; Admiral Tin Aung San; General Maung Maung Kyaw; Lt General (retired) Nyo Saw; Maj General Khin Maung Than; Maj General Moe Myint Htun; Read Admiral Moe Aung; Lt General Htun Aung; Lt General Min Naung; Lt General Aung Lin Dwe; Big General (Ret) Kyaw Htin; Major Ni Aung; Big General (Ret) Kyaw Myo Win; Maj (Retired) Ming Khine; Colonel Myint Swe; Lt General Aye Win; Ultimate beneficial owner(s): Myanmar senior military leadership, units and battalions. (UK Statement of Reasons):Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL) is a major Myanmar conglomerate, owned by the Myanmar military and its current and former personnel. Min Aung Hlaing, Myanmar’s Commander in Chief, is the Chair of MEHL’s ‘patron group’, along with other senior ranking Tatmadaw officers. In 2017, MEHL directly contributed to a series of fundraising events, which provided financial support for the Tatmadaw personnel engaged in “clearance operations” against the Rohingya. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that part or all of these funds contributed to operations that resulted in serious human rights violations, including mass unlawful killings, torture, systematic rape and other forms of targeted sexual violence by the Tatmadaw committed in Rakhine State in 2017. In view of the circumstances including the close connections between MEHL and senior members of the Tatmadaw, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that MEHL knew or had reasonable cause to suspect that the funds would or may contribute to the serious human rights violations committed. Further or alternatively, MEHL is associated with the Commander in Chief and Deputy Commander in Chief of the Tatmadaw in view of their connections to MEHL including their positions on the patron group. (Type of entity):Military Holding Company (Subsidiaries):Adipati Agricultural Produce Trading Ltd. ASHOK (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Thawka). Aung Thitsa Oo General Insurance Company Limited. Aung Thitsa Oo Life Insurance Company Limited. Bandoola Transportation Company Inc. Berger Paints Manufacturing Limited. Bo Aung Kyaw Terminal. Cancri (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Phu Sha Star). Da Na Theiddi Kyal (Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Da Na Theiddihi Star and Danatheidi Star (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd). Du Won Kyal (Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Du Won Star and Du Won Star (Gems & Jewellery) Co., Ltd.). Hawk Star (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spellings: Thine Ngat Kyal (Jewellery) Co., Ltd. and Thein Nget Star). Hlaing Inland Terminal and Logistics Co., Ltd.. Inndagaw Industrial Complex; Kanpauk Oil Palm Estate and Palm Oil Mill Project (KOPP). Kayah State Mineral Production Company Ltd. Kone Yar Thi Star (alternate spelling: Aquarii (Gems & Jewellery) Co., Ltd.. Lann Pyi Marine Company Ltd; Larbathakedi Micro Finance Service Association Inc.. Lyrae (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Saung Tar Yar Star). Mon Hsu Jewellery Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Mine Shu). Myanmar Imperial Jade (Gems & Jewellery) Co., Ltd.. Myanmar Land and Development Ltd. Myanmar Rubber Wood Co., Ltd.. Myanmar Ruby Enterprise (Gems & Jewellery) Co., Ltd.. Myanmar Tharkaung Finance Co., Ltd.. Myawaddy Agricultural Services Col, Ltd. Myawaddy Bank Ltd.. Myawaddy Clean Drinking Water Service. Myawaddy Trading Ltd; Myawaddy Travels and Tours Co., Ltd.. Myawady Football Club. Nawadae Hotel and Tourism Ltd.. Ngwe Pin Lei Livestock Breedings and Fisheries Co., Ltd.. Ngwe Pin Lei Premium Marine Products Co., Ltd.. Ngwe Pinlae Industrial Zone. Pone Nyet (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spelling: Pone Nyat and One Nyat (Jewellery) Co., Ltd.). Pyinmabin Industrial Zone. Sabai (Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spellings: Sabae (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd., and Jasmine). Seik Ta Ya Kyal (Jewellery) Co., Ltd. (alternate spellings: Si Tra Star, Seik Tra Star and Seiktra Star (Gems and Jewellery) Co., Ltd.). Shwe Gandamar International Trading Ltd. Shwe Innwa Gems (Business Reg No):156387282
Listed on: 25/03/2021
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 25/03/2021
Last Updated: [25/03/2021] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 14080. 


1.    Oleg F. SILCHENKO (Group ID: 13854)

DOB: [17/05/1977.] 25/06/1977
POB: [Moscow, Russia] Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Nationality: Russia
Position: [former head of Butyrka Detention Centre] Investigator in the Investigative Committee
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0003 (UK Statement of Reasons):Oleg Silchenko was an investigator in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Interior Ministry and was directly involved in the mistreatment of Sergei Magnitsky whilst in detention, which contributed significantly to his death on 16 November 2009. Silchenko made six applications to extend Magnitsky’s detention period (despite his deteriorating medical condition), refused Magnitsky access to his family and engaged in the oppressive questioning and other mistreatment of Magnitsky to pressurise him to retract his allegations of corruption against Interior Ministry officials.
(Gender): Male
Listed on: 06/07/2020
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 06/07/2020
Last Updated: [06/07/2020] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 13854. 

2.    Pabon Fabio ZAVARSE (Group ID: 14011)

Name (non-Latin script): ZAVARSE PABÓN
DOB: 04/10/1967.
POB: Caracas, Venezuela
Nationality: Venezuela
Passport Number: 32131710
National Identification Number: V-6.967.914
Address: [Russia.] Venezuela
Position: Commander of the National Guard (GNB)
Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):GHR0071 (UK Statement of Reasons): Fabio Zavarse has held several high ranking positions within the Venezuelan Armed Forces during different waves of protests in Venezuela. The military, responding to these protests with excessive use of force, committed serious human rights violations, including violations of the right to life. Zavarse bears responsibility for the serious violations of human rights conducted by GNB forces under his command in Caracas in seeking to quell the protests in 2016 and 2017.
(Gender): Male
Listed on: 10/12/2020
UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 10/12/2020
Last Updated: [10/12/2020] 11/11/2022
Group ID: 14011.

What you must do

Financial institutions and other persons are required to check whether you maintain any accounts or otherwise hold funds or economic resources for, or provide financial services to, the designated individual. If so, you must freeze such accounts or other funds and, unless licensed by the Treasury, not deal with those funds or economic resources, and suspend the provision of any financial services.  You must also report your findings to the FIU.  

Failure to comply with financial and trade sanctions legislation or to attempting to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.

Where a relevant institution has already reported details of accounts, other funds or economic resources held frozen for the designated person, you are not required to report these details again.

Further Information

Consequently the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the Consolidated List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.

Further details on the UN measures in respect of Global Human Rights can be found on the relevant UN Sanctions Committee webpage:

Further details of the sanctions regime related to Global Human Rights and links to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-11-14.