Financial Sanctions: Russia

This news release is issued to publicise the addition of 4 entries and amendment of 1 entry to the Russian sanctions regime.

The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/855) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) and provide for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, or obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia. The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 have effect in the Isle of Man by the Russia Sanctions (Application) Regulations 2020 [S.D. 2020/0504].

On 20 October 2022 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK Sanctions List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.


The following entries has been added to the consolidated list and is now subject to an asset freeze:

  1. Saeed AGHAJANI (Group ID: 15605)
    Name (non-Latin script): آقاجانی سعید
    Title: Brigadier General POB: Iran a.k.a: (1) AGA JANI, Said (2) ARA JANI, Saeed (3) ARA JANI, Said Nationality: Iran Address: Ferdowsi Avenue, Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Tehran, Iran. Position: Head of the IRGC Aerospace Force UAV command Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS1653 (UK Statement of Reasons): Brigadier General Saeed AGHAJANI is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because he is a person who is responsible for, engages in, provides support for, or promotes any policy or action which destabilises Ukraine or undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. Brigadier General AGHAJANI is an Iranian Military Officer, and Head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force UAV Command. Iran has supplied Russia with Iranian produced UAVs for use in their illegal invasion of Ukraine, and IRGC specialists are reported to have been present in occupied areas of Ukraine providing training to Russian forces in operating the UAVs. (Gender):Male Listed on: 20/10/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 20/10/2022 Last Updated: 20/10/2022 Group ID: 15605.
  2. Mohammad BAGHERI (Group ID: 15604)
    Name (non-Latin script): باقری محمد
    Title: Major General DOB: –/06/1960. POB: Tehran, Iran Nationality: Iran Address: Ferdowsi Avenue, Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Tehran, Iran. Position: Chairman of the Armed Forces General Staff Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS1652 (UK Statement of Reasons): Major General Mohammad BAGHERI is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because he is a person who is responsible for, engages in, provides support for, or promotes any policy or action which destabilises Ukraine or undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. Major General Mohammad BAGHERI is an Iranian Military Officer, and chairman of the Armed Forces General Staff (AFGS), the country’s top military body. He has been identified as a key figure overseeing army branches and individuals involved in a deal that supplied Russia with Iranian produced UAVs for use in their illegal invasion of Ukraine. (Gender):Male Listed on: 20/10/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 20/10/2022 Last Updated: 20/10/2022 Group ID: 15604.
  3. Seyed Hojjatollah QUREISHI (Group ID: 15606)
    Name (non-Latin script): قریشی ه حجت سید
    Title: Brigadier General POB: Iran Nationality: Iran Address: Ferdowsi Avenue, Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Tehran, Iran. Position: Head of the Supply and Logistics Division of the Iranian Ministry of Defence Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): RUS1654 (UK Statement of Reasons): Brigadier General Seyed Hojjatollah QUREISHI is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because he is involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, through providing goods or technology, that could contribute to destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. QUREISHI is an Iranian Military Officer, who is the key Iranian negotiator in a deal that supplied Russia with Iranian produced UAVs for use in its illegal invasion of Ukraine. (Gender):Male Listed on: 20/10/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 20/10/2022 Last Updated: 20/10/2022 Group ID: 15606.


    Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS1655 (UK Statement of Reasons): Shahed Aviation Industries is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Shahed Aviation Industries is involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, through providing goods or technology, that could contribute to destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. Shahed Aviation Industries is an Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) manufacturer that has supplied Russia with attack capable UAVs for deployment in their illegal invasion of Ukraine. Listed on: 20/10/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 20/10/2022 Last Updated: 20/10/2022 Group ID: 15607.


Deleted information appears in [square brackets]. Additional information appears in italics.

The following entry has been amended and is still subject to an asset freeze:

  1. Oleksandr SAULENKO (Group ID: 15519)
    Name (non-Latin script): Александр Сауленко
    DOB: [29/03/1984] 09/05/1962. POB: Kiev, Ukraine Position: Senior position in the Russian installed administration of Berdyansk (in the temporarily controlled territory of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Ukraine) Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS1575 (UK Statement of Reasons):SAULENKO is an “involved person” under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because: he is, and has been, involved in destabilising Ukraine and undermining and threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine by engaging in, providing support for and promoting policies and actions which destabilise Ukraine and undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, namely by holding a senior position in the Russian installed administration of Berdyansk (in the temporarily controlled territory of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Ukraine) (Gender):Male Listed on: 26/09/2022 UK Sanctions List Date Designated: 26/09/2022 Last Updated: [28/09/2022] 20/10/2022 Group ID: 15519.

What you must do

Financial institutions and other persons are required to check whether you maintain any accounts or otherwise hold funds or economic resources for, or provide financial services to, designated individuals. If so, you must freeze such accounts or other funds and, unless licensed by the Treasury, not deal with those funds or economic resources, make those funds or economic resources available to a designated person, or make those funds or economic resources available for the benefit of a designated person. You must also report your findings to the FIU.

Failure to comply with financial and trade sanctions legislation or to attempting to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.

Where a relevant institution has already reported details of accounts, other funds or economic resources held frozen for the designated person, you are not required to report these details again.

Further Information

Consequently the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the Consolidated List. This list provides details of those designated under sanctions legislation.

Further details of the sanctions regime related to Russia and links to other financial sanctions regimes may be found on the Customs and Excise pages of the Isle of Man Government website.

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2022-10-21.